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Grace's POV

"Fury's got the coded message. Your friends are at the tower bridge. Your boy called it the London Bridge but i figured it out." I heard Happy tell Peter as i continued flying to jet. "Grace and I are gonna go scoop them up, okay?"


"How's the suit coming?"

"Almost done"


"Wait, wait, whoa, whoa. Before you go-" They started whispering so i didn't hear some of their conversation.

"I got this."

"Walk me through it." Peter went over everything with Happy one more time.

I decided to speed the Jet up just a little bit to get us there faster. I saw the fake storm brewing and took a deep breath. Let's hope this is safe to fly in.

"All right, comms check. Can you hear us, Kid?" Happy asked Peter.

"I can. It's just a little loud out here."

"I like the new suit. I see it has my design just a little darker"


"Peter, you sure that's not real?" Happy asked as we flew closer to the storm.

"Yeah, it's just a hundred times bigger than i expected."

"Still the play?"

"Yes. We need to get high enough so Beck doesn't see me coming."

"Copy. Stay sticky" I flew the jet up higher and really close to the storm.

"Hey Happy,"

"Yeah, kid. What is it?"

"We need to have a serious conversation about you and my Aunt!" Peter said before jumping off the jet into the Storm.

"Yeah, it's pretty obvious something is there"

"How'd you know?"

"Well first, your password is 'password' and i'm good at hacking. Secondly, you don't exactly sneak back into the compound very well. Plus, i was around May a lot. I know what her perfume smells like."

"Did you tell the kid?"

"Nope. You just aren't the best at hiding things." He shook his head and i landed the jet.

"You stay on the Jet, get ready to fly away once i get the kids."

"Let me go get them. They know me better."

"Just stay on the jet."

Happy got off the jet and i left it running, and followed him out.

I followed him until we ran into Ned, MJ, Betty, and Flash.


"Happy!" I heard the two yell and i caught up with them.

"We gotta get you guys out of here!" I told him.

"Get on the Jet."

"Who are you?" MJ asked Happy.

"I work with Spiderman"

"You work for Spiderman?"

"I work with Spiderman. Not for Spiderman"

"He works for me. Now shut up and listen to the man."

"Dang Grace, you in a tight black suit is everything i needed in life. I could die right now knowing i fully lived."

"Make one more comment like that and you will die" He shut up real fast. Before we even moved to go near the Jet, we heard an explosion and looked over. "Stay on the jet, you said. Stay on the Jet! Happy if I would have stayed on the Jet, I'd be dead. You almost killed me"

Mr. Stark's DaughterNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ