A Vulnerability

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Spot's POV:

(y/n) had fallen asleep in my arms which made me smile. She made me so vulnerable, I hoped that my vulnerability didn't show when I was talking to other Brooklyn Newsies. I could not lose my place as the toughest Newsie in New York.

I let her lay asleep for about thirty minutes or so before I knew I had to wake her up. She had to get back to Jack in Manhattan, I already knew that if she didn't he would start to get worried. Jack was a good brother to her but he had his times where he got overprotective. I understood it though. With a little sister as reckless as her, I mean sneaking out and all, I'd be overprotective too. I mean, if she says yes to my question then I will be more protective than I already am. I've felt protective of her since the second I met her.

I started to shake her awake, "Fox...Fox you'se need'a wake up." I stroked her hair a little bit, making her stir awake.

"W-what?" She rubbed her eyes as she sat up beside me.

"You'se gotta go back ta 'Hattan."

"O-oh, y-yeah. I-I'll see you tonight?"

"I'se hopes so. Think 'bout ya answ'a okay?" She smiled and nodded before giving me a hug and climbing out my window.

She went down the fire escape and I watched as she ran across the Brooklyn Bridge, dressed as a male Newsie. Even when she was dressed as a Newsie, she was beautiful.

Runner came into my room, making me snap my head towards the door. "You'se likes 'er? Don' worry I'se not gonna tell."

My face turned bright red, "if you'se lets anythin' slip I'se will soak ya ta wher'a ya can't walk fo' a week."

"I'se not gonna, I'se promise. Ya want me'se ta folla her an' make sure she's okay?"

"Please, an' send my otta men to d'ier posts. I'se needa update on da borough wa'."

"Yes sir." He nodded and took off.

If this borough war really was going to happen I had to keep Fox safe. Jack would want to kill me more if we partnered up in this war and I let her get hurt. She meant so much to both of us, neither of us would be able to live with the fact that we let her get hurt, I already know it. 

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