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(Y/N)'s POV:

Life’s not normal, never has been, never will be. It’s always the same, wake up before sunrise, clean the orphanage until it’s spotless, and make the mistress her breakfast while we suffer and starve. 

The orphanage I am locked up in is more like the refuge but for girls. It’s owned by Mrs.Snyder, Mr.Snyder’s wife, and she treats us no different. The refuge is a jail for under age kids and they are treated very very poorly. I would know because I’ve had to visit before when I was punished for pulling a small prank on Mrs.Snyder. I had to bring her husband all his meals for a month.

My brother, well once brother, Jack Kelly was taken there when we were really young. We were separated there and I haven’t seen him since. He’s probably dead by now because of the torture in the refuge. 

When I would bring the food to Mr.Snyder I would always sneak around looking for my brother but it was no use. He wasn’t there, he was gone. The only family I had left was gone.

Tonight would be the night that I escaped this wretched place and found a better place to stay, even if it meant sleeping on the streets. I loved being outside and on the streets of Manhattan. It’s not the safest place for a fourteen year old girl to be but it’s better than suffering in an orphanage, knowing you will never be wanted and never have a family. 

I thought about my plan as I made the mistress her breakfast, I would climb out my window and go down the fire escape. It wouldn’t be too hard because I would usually use it to go to the roof at night for some fresh air. I could have run away a long time ago but I was waiting for the perfect moment, the moment where I knew I would have a chance. 

Tonight is the night, like every Friday night, where the Snyders would go on a date and leave one of the Delancey brothers in charge. Like I said, even though this happened every Friday I was waiting for the perfect moment. Oscar Delancey, the one in charge tonight, has always had his eyes on me, and it’s pretty obvious. He does have looks but his attitude towards people makes me sick. 

I’m going to try and convince him to let me go up to the roof and “read” and then I’ll make my great escape. How do I know this will work? Well I’ve asked him the same question every Friday that he ends up in charge and his answer is always yes, but he has to come with me in case I pull a little stunt. After about a month of it he finally started to trust me and let me go alone. If I had known he was going to do so last Friday, I would have escaped then but I didn’t have time to grab my things. This is the day, I am going to escape, I am going to be free, I am going to live a better life.

I'se da King 'round hereOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora