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(Y/N)'s POV:

After a dreadful day of cleaning, cooking, and starving, it was finally starting to get dark and the Snyder's left. My plan is coming together smoothly. Right then, Oscar walked through the door like always and looked at me with a sly grin that made me sick.

"Hey doll face, it's good ta see ya again." A smirk appeared on his face making me uneasy.

"Uh, yeah, you too." I forced a smile. Like I said, he was a nice looking guy but had no trouble bringing an uncomfortable aura to the room. "I know I ask every Friday, but can I go up to the roof and read?"

"Very well, just be back down by the time the Snyder's return. I don't wanna get fired." I nodded and skipped back to the bunk room where my bag is hidden under my bed.

After checking and making sure the room was empty I grabbed my bag and snuck out the window. So that I wouldn't make my plan obvious, I climbed up the fire escape and to the roof. I got there not long after and then I jumped onto the roof of the neighboring building when it hit me. I don't have a disguise, I need a disguise in case I run into one of the Snyder's or a Delancey.

To be safe I stayed on the top of buildings using them as my path until I got to the lodging house for the Newsboys of Manhattan. I got the idea of seeing if they would help but who knows, they are not only boys, they are boys who lie their way into things. It's worth a try I guess.

I climbed down the fire escape and walked through the front door where I was met by a cute blonde boy with a cigar hanging out of his mouth.

"Can I'se help you'se?" He took the cigar out of his mouth and talked through a wide goofy grin that was kind of adorable.

"Um, maybe. I'm just looking for a place to hide until I can get away, maybe to Santa Fe where my brother dreamed of going one day. I'm pretty sure he's dead by now but if I could get enough money to go in memory of him that would be great!"

"Well I'se didn't ask for the sob story but I'se thinks I'se can help, name's Racetrack Higgins, they usually just call me Race or Race'a though. Now I'se don't know who ya brudda is but I know a kid who had da same dream but den he met'a goil who changed 'is mind."

"Might I ask this kid's name?" What if my brother is still alive? What if he's here? What if he remembers me? What if he wants to take care of me? So many questions rushed through my head but I tried not to get my hopes up.

"Jack Kelly, we call 'em cowboy. He's probably in the bunk room if you want me to take ya."

"YES!!" I couldn't contain my excitement any more, my brother was alive and he was in the same building as me.

He led me up the stairs and into a room full of bunks just like the orphanage except it was filled with boys. I scanned the room and my eyes landed on a kid, about 17, who was sitting in the window crying.
"He cries like that on this day every year." Race leaned over and whispered into my ear.

I had completely forgotten, it was my birthday and the same day we were separated, 10 years ago. I was just 5 years old when we lost each other and now I'm 15, how could I have forgotten that today was my 15th birthday?

"Could I talk to him alone?" I stepped into the hallway as Race got the boys to clear the room.

"He's all yours."

"Thanks Race." I smiled at him before slowly walking into the bunk room. I creeped over and stood behind Jack who still had his head buried between his knees. "E-excuse me, a-are you J-Jack Kelly?"

He slowly raised his head up and peered at me, a smile slowly spread across his tear stained face. "Please tell me I'se is dreamin', (y/n)? Is dat really you?"

I nodded as tears began to fall down my face. "Jack I-I wanted to come find you, I-I thought you were dead, I-" He yanked me into his embrace before I could finish my sentence.

"You're here with me, that's all that matters now. But I need to know, where have you been all these years?" He pushed off enough to see my face.

"That doesn't matter right now, what matters is that I'm going to be in big trouble soon and I will be in great danger. Do you have any old clothes that will fit me and an extra pair of suspenders and a hat?"

He chuckled and went over to his dresser and came back with a blue plaid shirt like the one he was wearing, some pants like his, a hat, and suspenders. He gave me some privacy while I changed, I had to wrap my upper body so that I could blend in as a boy to completely finish my disguise and I tucked my hair neatly into the cap before going down the stairs to sit on a sofa next to my brother.

"Who's the new boy Kelly?" One of the boys sitting at a gambling table with Race asked.

"This is my sister Romeo, and don't get any ideas. If anyone of you lays a hand on her, no matter how close we are, you are dead. She is my only family that I have left so I have to take care of her."

"Who knew Cowboy could be so overprotective?" Romeo snickered.

"He's the same way about Kathrine." Another boy at the table replied.

"Romeo, Albert, shut it unless ya wanna get soaked." Another whisper yelled as I tried to hold back laughter.

"I'd listen ta Finch if I'se was ya." Race said throwing down a full house beating the other three boys.

You could tell that Jack was annoyed by the look on his face and the way he was playing with his hat that he had taken off and was now holding in his hands. I had to do something to help and then I remembered that he had a girlfriend, Kathrine is what I think Albert said.

"Hey, Jackie," Jackie is a nickname I would always call him by and a smile spread across his face upon hearing it, "why don't you take me to meet this Kathrine girl, I would love to meet her."

"Uh, sure, tomorrow?" What's up with him, he should have known I meant right now.

"Uh, y-yeah, I guess that's fine." I looked over to Race who I could tell was listening because he mouthed something that looked like she was supposed to be here earlier but I couldn't tell so I just nodded.

At that moment a boy with a crutch walked in beside a small child and a taller boy. Jack's eyes lit up when he saw them and the little boy ran into his arms laughing.

"Jack, we need to talk on the roof, it's urgent!" The tall boy's face was filled with worry as he spoke.

Jack nodded and started to lead the boy up to the roof. He looked back at me and gestured for me to come along in which I stumbled after him.

When we got there Jack leaned against the wall, something he always did as a kid and I'm guessing it just stuck. I sat down with my back against a wall and listened as they talked.

"Jack, I don't think he should be listening to this."

"Dave, this is my little sister, if I'se want her here she'll be here." Jack looked a little irritated and to be honest, it kind of scared me.

"Little sister? I thought you said she died?"

"Yeah that's what I'se thought but here she is, alive and beside me." He smiled and looked down at me making my cheeks turn bright red.

"Well," the tall boy looked down at me and smiled, "I'm Davey Jacobs, it's very nice to meet you." He held out his hand in which I shook. "Now back to what I was trying to tell you," he looked back up at my brother, "one of Spot's spies came over to me, Les, and Cruthie when we were headed back from selling today."

"Runner, I didn't think he was supposed to come out of hiding when he was in 'Hattan?"

"How'd you know his name?" Davey looked really stunned and I tried to hold back a giggle.

"Like, I'se told you a million times, I'se knows most of da Newsies in New York."

"Well anyway, he said we need to visit Brooklyn tomorrow, he said there's an upcoming bourgh war and Spot doesn't know why."

Jack nodded and told me to go back inside and tell the rest of the Newsies to get ready for bed. I did as he said and they all listened to me. Race walked me to the bunk Jack sleeps in and the top was free so I claimed it as mine. 

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