Don't Touch My Brother

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(Y/N)'s POV:

After I left Spot standing there absolutely shocked and speechless I made my way back to the lodging house. I hoped to return to Brooklyn after sunset though, it would be a beautiful place to stargaze. I'm also going to bring a book in case I get bored.

I walked through the door of the lodging house and made my way up the stairs. I had just finished putting on a cute dress to go out in, though I still was in a disguise because I didn't look like myself, when I heard Race burst through the door.


"I-it's J-Jack," he was out of breath from apparently running up the stairs.

"What's going on? Where is he?"

"He went to soak da Delancey's and-"

"Race is he okay?!"

"Just come with me." he led me out of the lodging house as I tried not to trip over my dress.

We got to an alleyway near the circulation gate where the boys get their papers to sell for the day. I heard a fight going on and that's when I saw my brother with a bloody face and a black eye. Morris Delancey was passed out in a corner and Oscar was still throwing his fists at my brother's face. I got an idea, I didn't like the idea but it's the only thing I had.

"OSCAR!!" I ran over to him and pressed my lips to his hard. He returned the kiss, I wouldn't really call it a kiss but he still returned it. I didn't like it but it gave me time.

I kept my lips on his and started slowly pushing him towards the wall, probably giving him the wrong idea but that was my goal at the moment. Once we reached the wall he started wrapping his arms around me but by that time I had already grabbed the back of his head in which I slammed against the wall, knocking him out cold.

I walked over to Jack and examined his face. "Oh my...Jack are you okay?" I was trying not to cry while looking at his practically red face, he was losing a lot of blood.

"I'm fine, but I didn't need you to save me. Especially since you had to kiss that-that monster in doing so."

"But you're my brother, it was my job. Just because you're older doesn't mean you don't need your sister looking after you too."

He pulled me into a tight and comforting hug. "I love you sis."

I smiled, I had someone who truly loved me now, "I love you too, Jackie Boy." I smirked and I could tell that he couldn't help but smile. 

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