🍖luffy🍖 (cramps)

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Luffys pov

I was sitting of the head of the sunny and getting bored. So I decided to go see what Y/N was doing. I have not see her since breakfast but at breakfast she did not look like herself her h/c hair was in a messy bun and she had on her f/c hoodie.

Everyone thought it was fine but as her boyfriend I knew something was wrong.

As I started walking to her room I head whimpers comeing from the room. As I opened the door it was dark and y/n was under her blanket in bed.

"Hey babe what wrong you don't seem like yourself ? " I asked. "Hmm in good luffy it is just I am on my period and this time the cramps are really bad." Y/N said .

"Oh ok well in sorry that is happening. . . . .WAIT this is perfect" I yelled." How is me being on my period perfect" she asked.

" Because I made you something and this time it is not meat" I said." Your right that is surprising what is it" she said." I will go get it" after that I ran out the room.

Y/N pov

As I saw luffy run out of the room the pain came back.aaah this is the worst I hate my period. And all of a sudden overflow. "Aaaah I hate this"

I ran to the bathroom to change and take a shower. It did help a bit and it was soothing.i wonder what luffy got me.


"Luffy what was that" I asked." Nothing just stay in the shower for a bit longer" luffy said. If he says so. He was still my captain.

"Ok you can come out now" " ok" I got out of the shower and changed into my hoodie and my favorite pair of f/c joggers.

As I walk out I was surprised to see my room.

Their was a small table with my favorite drinks and chocolate. On the bad was a heating pad even a movie mushi ( a den den mushi that can play any movie) it was set up to watch (favorite movie).

"Do you like it" luffy asked."I love it this gift" I said."Well this is for your period the real gift is here" luffy handed me a beautiful white bag. I opened it to find a luffy kitty.

"Awwww it so cute and it looks just like you" I hugged luffy with all my might

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"Awwww it so cute and it looks just like you" I hugged luffy with all my might.

"I'm so glad you like it y/n I had it made to look like me"

"We'll luffy it can never replace the real thing, now let's watch the movie" I jumped on the bed and got comfortable well luffy laid down next to me.

Luffy pov

At the end of the movie I want to get up but I noticed y/n sleeping. I decided to sleep with her tonight.

I whispered in her ear

"You my one piece y/n I love you" and fell asleep.






(Yo auther here I hope you liked the story it was my first one but was it good tell me in the comments and leave a vote bye.) ❤

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