Future Plans

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Time skip

Two weeks have passed since their date and the two of them grew even closer in these past few days.Walking through the streets of London, picnicking in St. James Park, or just (finally) finishing Truly Madly Deeply with Anna - for Elinor, each of those events just endorsed the fact that she wanted to spend even more time with him...which was something she's never really felt before.

Normally, Elinor was never the person to rush things. Never did she know how to speak of love, to be sure to know that she loved someone...

...I mean real love.

That kind of love, where you never stop to search for that one person's vicinity, feel like your entire day lightens up when that person just flashes you a smile, or just, when you want to forever sink into that person's touch...

But here she was, able to describe him with all these words.


She loved him. That she was sure of.

But despite that beautiful feeling he gave her each and every time she saw him,  she knew quite well that eventually the time will to come where she has to go back to Manchester. A fact, that Elinor has tried to ignore but would never stop circling through her thoughts.
It was heartbreaking to know that she has to leave him after so very few weeks together.

Elinor didn't want to let go, never.

That day, a cold and rainy November noon, Elinor laid cozily in Jamie's living room and watched him practice as she wrapped her blanket a little tighter around her frame.
She saw how his eyes were fixed to the sheet of music, tracing one bar after another. The weather caused the sky to be covered in greyish clouds, the rain pattering softly against the windows so that its sounds accompanied the deep voice of his cello. A sad smile formed her lips.

Oh how she will miss this view.

His wrist ornamented each and every note by accentuating them with deep vibrato. Such a sad yet beautiful tone...Elinor could listen to his playing for endlessly.

(please give it a listen <3)

The melody reminded her of a saddened heart...her heart, that wanted to live in this moment forever. The way Jamie's hair framed his face loosely, looking like it interfered his playing. But when one closes their eyes, no such bother could be heard. Nothing, but his emotions through his playing...

Elinor didn't notice as suddenly tears ran down her cheeks. Immediately, her hands sprang up to her face, wiping them away in hope that he didn't notice...but to no avail. His playing stopped.

„Darling, what's wrong?", Jamie asked worriedly, placing his cello down onto the ground next to him as he noticed her tears.

„Oh No, please...don't stop", Elinor smiled weakly „It was beautiful."

He stood up and went over to Elinor, sitting right beside her and reaching for her hand. „Tell me...what bothers your heart?" Jamie tilted his head. „I doubt that it was just my wonderful playing.", he chuckled.

„Well...almost.", Elinor laughed weakly.

„Elinor...tell me, love.", he pleaded, this time, more serious.

„It's just...", she paused, tears threatened to come up anew. Elinor rested her head against his warm chest as Jamie wrapped his arms around her, he kept silent to let her speak.

„...I'll miss you...deeply.", she whispered softly. "we only have a few days left until my train departs...and I already miss you, Jamie..I...I don't want to go."

„Shh...", Jamie cradled her in his arms, resting his head on hers „..I'll miss you too, love"
Elinor smiled to herself and took in his scent.
It was the scent of rosin, coffee, scented candles and...home.

„Who will tune my cello when you're not here anymore?", he mocked, loosening up the mood.

„ha ha", Elinor smiled weakly „And who will ensure that you're eating well?"

„Nooobody", he sang jokingly, kissing her forehead. She smiled.

„We're gonna make it happen right?", Elinor asked after some moments.

„Of course we do.", Jamie ensured her, flitting his eyes to her lips and back to her eyes again.
„But...", he started as a thought came to his mind „...what if you don't have to go?", he proposed carefully.

„What do you mean?", Elinor asked a bit confused, as she looked up to him, one hand resting on his chest.

„I mean...I know it's quite suddenly but...how about you...move here?", he finally said.

„...here?", Elinor repeated incredulously. Her one hand jumped up to cover her mouth in excitement.

„It's just a thought of course", Jamie raised one both his hands „and I absolutely understand if you don't want to rush things...but then You, Anna and Me, we would- ."

Elinor had heard enough. She silenced him by pressing her lips against his' , her weight pushing him back until his head fell against the armrest. „whoa careful, little one!", he giggled, cupping her face as it hovered above his.

Elinor smiled brightly, her eyes sparkled at his words. She peppered his face with many kisses as he laughed, squinting his eyes at her little attack.
He then grabbed her by her hips and swiftly turned her around so that he was now at the top. Elinor laughed.

„Darling, is this a yes?", he mocked, tilting his head at her.

„Is that even a question?", she scoffed jokingly „Of course!"

Jamie smiled and traced kisses along her neck and jaw, his beard tickling her soft skin. „Okay love, I will take care of everything. Give me a week."

„I can't wait.", Elinor said happily, raising her head to kiss his lips gently. Jamie responded and kissed her back, deepening the kiss as he hummed amusedly.

She giggled as his rough beard tickled her skin. „And promise me, cello boy, don't you ever dare razing your beard.", Elinor chuckled.

He laughed at her words. „Never."

A/N well, that's it guys. That's my shortest and final chapter for now👉🏼👈🏼 Thank you all so much for reading, voting and commenting on my first ever fanfic! ❤️❤️ If you want, you can check out my Sheriff and Sinclair ones as well :3


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