Part 6 || 3 - Filming ends 1

Start from the beginning

"You think I can? It physically hurts me, Zabini, when I see her dark circles, when I see her getting skinnier day by day, when I see that one stray tear fall from her eyes in lessons. It hurts me to know that I am to blame for all of this" I said interrupting Blaise.

"Just tell her, Draco. She will and can help us-" Pansy spoke but I stopped her. "No, no, I can't take that risk. She's already in a lot of danger, telling her will just escalate it" I said shaking my head. "She thinks that you don't love her-"

"Then let her, Nott. If this way, she stays away from me, she'll be safe. Honestly, I couldn't ask for any better way than this, it hurts, yes, but it's for her own good" I said looking at her face. My eyes couldn't help but linger on her lips.

"C-Can I – Do you think she's-"

"Yeah, she's asleep. Go ahead" Pansy said as she rubbed Olivia's thigh. I sighed and cupped her cheek. She leaned into the touch and cooed. I placed a soft kiss on her forehead. "How much in love can you two be? Even when she's asleep, she knows it's you" Theo said and I smiled after ages.


I opened the door of my dorm only to be engulfed with Olivia's scent. I hurriedly looked in my closet, and my bathroom, but she wasn't there. I sighed but her smell didn't leave the room. I got up and went downstairs to see Hermione studying. I stood next to her and she looked up, "What, Draco?"

"Did Olivia come here?" I asked and she stopped writing. "I-I don't know what you're talking about" she said trying to look busy. "Hermione, just like your best friend, you're a worst liar as well" I said biting my lip from laughing.

"Alright, alright, I give in. She comes here, every day, when you're on patrolling and sneaks out before you come" "Every day?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows. "Yeah, why?"

"Then why did I smell her just today?"

"Maybe she forgot to not put her perfume"

"W-Why did-"

"You're her safe place, Draco. Why else do you think she would be here?"

I sighed loudly and went back to the empty room. Her smell was that kept me awake the whole night. How her hair fell on my face in the morning, how she wrapped her hands around me, when I woke up, how she cooed whenever I kissed her, how she made little snoring sounds and when I would confront her, how she would get embarrassed.

The next day, I was patrolling, I knew Olivia would be in my room, so I took longer than usual and told Hermione to tell her the same. I went back, hoping to see an empty room, but it wasn't. I smiled when I saw Olivia in my Quidditch Jersey, cuddling with a pillow.

Quietly, I opened my drawer and pulled out my camera. I clicked the picture and smiled. Lucky for me, she didn't wake up. I placed myself next to her, taking the pillow from her and cuddling with her. She let out a deep breath and smiled a little.

It just made me wonder how tired Olivia actually was, that she didn't wake up or realize it was me. The minute her body warmth hit me; I fell asleep.


"You guys will be okay. I know it" Hermione said snapping me out of my thoughts. I nodded slightly as we headed to our rooms. I turned to knob but the door didn't open. It was locked. I smiled knowing that Olivia was in there.

"Enter Y/N" David said making Shorty follow. "Action!"

"Darling, are you in there?" I asked as I knocked on the door lightly. Of course, she was here. Her safe place. "Why didn't you tell me the truth, Draco?" she asked hoarsely. I knew she was crying. "I'm- Please let me in, I don't want to talk through a door" I said turning the knob again.

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