Commander (Part XII)

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Year 20 - Commander
Planet Earth

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Percy ran out of the tent and towards Half-Blood Hill. What he saw made his blood boil. A young girl was running from a horde of hellhounds, somehow staying ahead of the pack. It had been a while, but Percy still had to remind himself they weren't like Mrs. O'Leary. Speaking of whom, Percy needed to find out where she went because he hadn't seen her the entire time.

So far only Annabeth and Clarisse had reached him at the hill. His generals were gathering their soldiers and preparing to fight. But Percy turned to the nearest speedrunners of the A Division with another idea.

"You two! Get to the tree line off to the side. When I give the order, run in and take the girl away. Cannons will follow your path to kill the monsters."

After they departed, Percy turned to the Δ Division's cannon loaders. "Aim at the front lines and just above. Follow the runners' path. I want zero casualties and all those hellhounds turned to dust!"

Not too long after, Travis was beside Percy. His face in horror at the sight before him. He was stupefied as to why none of the soldiers were moving to help and that Clarisse nor Annabeth ordered campers to help either.

"Commander, what are you doing?!"

"Stand down, Major Stoll," Percy instructed. "It's being handled."

To Travis, it did not look like it was being handled. The girl was still running for her life! She was about 15 yards out but wasn't moving all too fast.

Just as Andrew arrived at the scene, Travis decided to act. He drew his weapon and sprinted faster than ever before to reach the little girl. He vaguely heard Percy scream "HOLD!" and failed to notice the two confused soldiers in the tree line. He also failed to notice the hellhound that had snuck up from the side and was about to bite Travis's arm off.

Before it could, it turned to dust. Percy had stabbed it through with his Chaos issued sword. He immediately engaged in a fight with two other hellhounds.

"Runners! Get them to safety!" Percy shouted.

Faster than Travis could process what happened, he and the little girl were whisked off behind the boundary line.

Thank Chaos Percy's blade was blessed and could kill Ancient Greek monsters or else he'd have to pull out Riptide and his cover would be immediately blown.

Percy saw he would be easily overwhelmed since the other hellhounds circled him, so he used the winds to take to the air. Chaos's powers let him control the elements and matter itself, so this was nothing surprising to the Chaos Army. But it was very surprising to the campers who didn't know about most of Ichor's powers.

Coming down in strategic strikes, Percy managed to disintegrate all the monsters. He'd fought worse before and in all honesty, it felt like a training exercise to him. But boy was it impressive to watch. How he anticipated their moves and countered with ease while also setting up for the next destructive blow. It was like watching a flawless chess match.

When the golden dust blew away, they only saw Ichor meticulously cleaning his blade and putting it in its sheath. Then, he strolled up to Travis in a scarily calm manner.

"What did you think you were doing?"

The field was so quiet you could drop a pin in the grass and still hear it. Travis couldn't see what he had done wrong. To him, he had done everything he could to save a girl's life.

"I was saving her life!" Travis defended.

"You were unnecessarily risking both your lives!"

"'Unnecessarily'?! She couldn't have outrun that pack! And you were just standing there!"

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