General (Part III)

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Year 11 - General
Planet Primae

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The year was coming to a close. Chaos had informed him after the tenth month that his fair sentencing or pardoning of crimes was the last act of virtue he needed to complete his Commander "application". It took just about two months for the final process to be prepared.

Every single inducted soldier had to provide a summary of why Percy, or Ichor as it said on the form, should or should not be Commander. Chaos had to then read through each and assess if Percy had enough support from the army to be blessed. Then they had many deliberative councils with the generals, save Percy, asking for a more detailed analysis of his qualifications for the position. The votes were practically unanimous. Those that didn't vote yes were mostly privates who had never interacted with Ichor or officers that were jealous of him or people who had no clue what was going on. The army was very large and not everyone had seen Ichor before. Most public things Percy did were within his division. Regardless, the decision was obvious to anyone.

At the end-of-year banquet hosted for captains and above, before food was served, Chaos stepped up to the podium and made the speech they always knew they would make.

"Let's eat!"

Ok, so the Commander announcement wasn't made before dinner, but it was made after dessert.

"After much consideration, I am proud to announce that I have accepted General Ichor to receive my blessing!" Applause consumed the Chaos Army. Percy wasn't smiling, but he was clearly pleased. "We shall head to a timeless pocket dimension to complete the final task. If we both walk out, you will have a new Commander!"

Percy stood and walked towards the stage. He shook Chaos's hand and walked through the portal they summoned behind them both.

° ° ° °

Year 11 - Commander-Elect
Timeless Pocket Dimension

"So... how does this work? Do you just wave your hand and shoot a ball of light at me or something?"

Chaos chuckled. "No, no. Nothing like that. You've seen the blessing of Mars and Ares, correct?"

"Yes, but that can't be the same as the one you're going to give me."

"You're right. That's because I'm not giving you my blessing, Percy," Chaos tried clarifying.


"I'm not just blessing you. That would be to enhance the powers you already have. Instead, you will be imbued with my powers. I am granting you the abilities of creation and matter manipulation."

"All I'm hearing is that you're blessing me like more than the usual."

Chaos sighed. "Fine, yes, I'm blessing you, but it's not with a magic ball of light."

Percy raised an unimpressed eyebrow. "Then what is it?"

With a sheepish look, Chaos answered. "A magical ball of power."

It was Percy's time to sigh now. "Ok, why did we need to do this in a pocket dimension then?"

"Because I'm not just giving you the powers. I'm going to teach you how to use them too. That takes time, but we don't want to waste it, so I've taken us to a place where it doesn't exist!"

If there was one difference between the two types of blessings it was that the one Chaos gave hurt like the full force of a freight train. Percy could feel his own powers mixing with even stronger ones. It was blending and twisting and tying together. He felt all the elements, not just water. He felt the flow of matter under his fingertips. He felt the hum of life in the air. He was about to be drunk on power.

But then there was this faint light. And a warmth. And a feeling of contentment. Not with the new abilities. Rather with the idea of simply existing. With being alive.

And then there was a click. As if his line to life was secured. As if his connection to humanity was locked in place.

And then he passed out from exhaustion.

° ° ° °

"Sleeping beauty is up," Chaos jested.

"Ugh, is that why there's a beast standing over me?" Percy deadpanned.

"A witty lad, eh?"

"How long have I been out?"

"No time here, remember?"

Percy slowly nodded. "Right. Can I get some water or something?"

"Make some," Chaos suggested slyly.

"I'm sorry?"

"You've got the power of creation now. With a snap of your fingers, you can make portals, entire planets, blue food! So yeah. Make some water."

Percy wasn't sure how to do what they suggested, but that wasn't going to stop him from trying. He focused on the tug he usually felt in his gut when he controlled water. And he willed it to be, so it was. Percy had materialized water out of nothingness. This went on for an unspecified amount of time and no time at all.

Percy learned to control the elements. To bring objects into existence. To bring life into existence. To alter things as he pleased. To transport himself instantly or via portals. To break down something into nothing.

But all that power could not go unchecked for he still had a mortal soul. His partial immortality status did not change. So he was required to make an oath. A solemn oath on Chaos's name.

"I, Perseus 'Percy' Jackson, Commander Ichor of the Chaos Army, hereby swear in the name of Chaos to only use the powers bestowed upon me by Chaos, creator of the universe, to uphold the respect of all autonomous beings set forth in virtues of benevolence, to administer justice with compassion and empathy and equity to the best of my abilities, to stand against forces of intentional maleficence as objectively as possible, and to honor the mission of peace so long as I live."

Percy would like to say that wind picked up and a shimmering light danced around him as the words were spoken. But in reality, the oath was said monotonously while Chaos ate popcorn.

In the end, they opened a portal back to the banquet they left. To all others, the two were gone for less than a second.

° ° ° °

Year 11 - Commander
Planet Primae

"It is my pleasure and honor," Chaos bellowed, "to present to you Commander Ichor of the Chaos Army!"

Hollers of excitement and approval jumped out of the seats. The generals being the most enthusiastic of them all. It was then that Percy gave the biggest smile he ever had as Ichor. He smiled because he was proud of himself for achieving Commander. He smiled because of the support he was receiving from his fellow comrades. He smiled because he realized, despite everything that went wrong leading up to this moment, he was truly happy with this life and with these people.

On the plaque in Chaos's palace, the sixth (official) smile Ichor gave, and the last one to be noted was accredited to "the Chaos Army". Things were just getting started for Commander Ichor.

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