Kira watched her friend go down. She knew she had to act. She jumped up onto the hood of a car catching the wire. She used her hand to stop the flow of electricity to her luck. None of the people who didn't know about the supernatural saw her. When she turned around she saw her mother looking angry.

Kira looked sheepish as she dropped the no longer live wire.

Derek and Scott ran into the parking lot. Derek noticed Isaac on the ground and Newt struggling in Thomas's arms. Scott ran over to Kira making sure she was okay after he saw her drop the wire.

Derek made it to Isaac as Newt ran over Thomas on his heels. Newt kneeled down next to his brother for once finally understanding how Thomas felt about his brother being in pain. Sure Newt liked Stiles and liked being around the kid but Isaac had helped take care of him before he was captured by WCKD.

"Scott, he's not breathing!!" Derek shouted, catching the true alpha's attention.

Thomas took off getting the attention of Melissa and some other nurses.

"Thomas calm down tell me what's wrong" She said trying to calm him down. "Did you find Stiles'

"No, No but it's not that Isaac he- he's hurt" Thomas rushed out.

Melissa nodded rushing off with a team of nurses and a gurney. She ran outside seeing the boy who had been living with her. She knelt down next to him. She took his pulse and noticed he wasn't breathing. Melissa began CPR on the boy's chest. Once she saw and heard the boy gasping for breath she stopped. The team of nurses gently lifted the boy and they wheeled him inside.

The side of Isaac's face was burnt as well as down the left side of his body. The side that landed in the water. Newt followed the team inside the hospital but stopped when the doctors said he wasn't allowed any further for the time being.

Thomas stayed outside with Scott and Derek as Allison called her dad. Thomas pulled his phone out calling his other best friend. Minho answered saying he would be right there. Minho knew they didn't really need him but his friend was hurting and he would be there for him.

Stiles was nowhere to be found. Nogitsune was finally working its way into his head.
Stiles wandered through the woods, his head pounding not remembering how he got there or when but what he did know was that he was losing control and it wouldn't be long before he couldn't fight it off anymore.

The next morning Thomas, Newt, Minho, and Scott all walked into the school.

They had been lectured by the coach that morning how if anybody saw Stiles they would get a teacher or call the police immediately. Each one looking down nobody really knew what to say to each other. Stiles had been missing all night and no one knew where to start looking especially after what they found out with the Nogitsune.

Thomas, and Newt decided they couldn't go to class that day so they went outside. Minho being the amazing friend he is, went with them. They stayed silent just letting themselves enjoy being together.

Scott was inside the school, the twins following him around. They heard an ear piercing sound coming from the basement. The twins sran a ahead of Scott slightly. The person holding the emitter was dressed in flannel and had dark hair. He turned around showing the face of Stiles. The twins roared running at Stiles.

They grabbed him, pinning him to the wall as Scott yelled for them to stop. Scot leaped into action grabbing Ethan's hand and stopping his claws from swiping at Stiles. Scott flashed his eyes red making the twins back away. 

"It's me I swear to God it's me" Stiles said, lifting his hands up in a gesture to show his innocence.

"How do we know for sure?" Aiden growled.

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