Chapter 11: The Grammy Awards Pt. 1

Start bij het begin

As I was about to leave the stage with David, he suddenly stopped me and said into the microphone,

"Oh! Wait a minute, Whitney! Before we go, umm... Your boyfriend Michael has a special surprise for you."

I looked to him in confusion, as Michael made his way onto the stage and towards me with loud applause from the crowd. Giving me a kiss on the cheek and shaking hands with David Foster and the two announcers, Michael came over to the microphone as the whole crowd began chanting, 'Michael! Michael!'

Finally, Michael spoke,

"Thank you! Thank you to Gary Shandling for allowing me the opportunity to do this. Before I begin, I just want say congratulations to you Whitney, David Foster, and everybody else involved in The Bodyguard Soundtrack and film."

Turning his attention to me, Michael said,

"Whitney, I love you more than words can begin to describe. We have known each other since the mid 80s, and you are one of the greatest friends I ever had. You have been there for me in my darkest hours, and this past Christmas, you have given me the greatest gift in the world. Being a father. It was because of you that I realized that I don't have to face this world alone anymore. Nippy, I knew it then and I know now, that I can't live my life without you. And as your song says, I will always love you."

The crowd applauded as Michael said, "And with that said..."

And with that, Michael pulled a small box out of his pocket and opened it to reveal a beautiful diamond ring!

He got down on one knee as the whole crowd of nominees and fans erupted into extremely loud cheers! Child! is he doing what I think he's doing?!?

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He got down on one knee as the whole crowd of nominees and fans erupted into extremely loud cheers! Child! is he doing what I think he's doing?!?

Once the whole crowd began to quiet down, One of the announcers took a microphone and held it close to Michael as he took the chance to ask with that warm, beautiful smile of his,

"Whitney Elizabeth Houston... Will you marry me?"

With tears of joy coming to my eyes, I answered with a fast nod,

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With tears of joy coming to my eyes, I answered with a fast nod,

"Yes, Baby! Yes!"

And with that, Michael got up and we wrapped our arms around each other and shared what felt to me as the kiss of the century! Afterwards, Michael placed the ring around my finger, and we raised our arms up in the air as the whole crowd gave us a ...

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And with that, Michael got up and we wrapped our arms around each other and shared what felt to me as the kiss of the century! Afterwards, Michael placed the ring around my finger, and we raised our arms up in the air as the whole crowd gave us a standing ovation.

Knowing our time on stage would be coming to an end, I immediately spoke into the microphone,

"Thank you all so much! I love you! God bless you! Peace!"

And with that, Michael and I left the stage. Hand in hand as a now engaged couple!

One hour later...

As the evening continued to roll on, I actually went back onto the stage to perform the song of the night, I Will Always Love You.

As I sang through the song, the more I thought about my love for Michael and our lives together, which only made my performance stronger.

Once the song came to an end, I said to the crowd,

"Thank you!"

And clapped to the audience, as I blew a kiss over to them and Michael. Tonight, was truly one of the best nights of my life.


Hey guys! Here's another update for this story! I hope you all enjoy this and stay tuned for part 2 of the Grammy's because it's definitely gonna feature a familiar face! ;)

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