"Captain Levi, I... I thought it was wrong to be fighting other humans, and wrong for you to order us to do so. I was afraid of hurting other people... But I'm the one who was in the wrong! Next time, I'll shoot", Jean said determined. You could tell his desire to help anyone- and everyone really had clouded his judgement in a different situation such as this one. That's one thing you had always admired about Jean and Marco. They were soldiers for the people. Sure you, Eren and the rest cared just as much about humanity, but killing titans had always been high on the priority list. For those two, the most important thing had always been the people within the walls. It was sad watching them deal with such a difficult dilemma; protecting people by killing other people. In a world full of titans it shouldn't be like that.

"I never said anything about who was right or wrong. I don't even know myself", Levi said honest. "Are you really the one in the wrong?". His question lingered as he got up from his seat. "Now then. It's about time we hear what he has to say". You had almost forgotten about the merchant the others had tied down earlier. He was placed in a corner, gagged up, unable to move an inch. As Levi removed the cloth stuffed in his mouth, the man immediately started talking.

"Wait! I'm just an old man used for moving wagons around the-"

"I've met this man before", Mikasa stated matter-of-factly. "In the Trost-attack, people were calling him Boss".

"You hear that, Boss", Levi said almost smug. "Dimo Reeves, right?".

"Tch!". He knew he was caught in his lie. "We were just following orders the Military Police forced on us. And failed big time... Now they'll plunder the Reeves Company for all it's worth", he spit out, clearly frustrated with his situation. "They won't stop with me and my dumb son. They'll make sure all my employees die in so-called accidents".

"So you'll die without a fight? Trost should have collapsed by now but it has persevered. That's because the Reeves Company brings people and work together. I wonder just how many winters people would survive if it were to perish..."

"So you're suggesting I team up with you?", Dimo asked him.

"We just need to know where Eren and Historia are. If you're supplying the MP's, we can figure something out", Levi offered.

"But can you stop my city and employees from dying of starvation?"

"I can't guarantee it", Levi said honest, crouching down on one knee to get on Dimo's eyelevel. "However, you can trust that we'll move towards that end. We'll help you out on a few conditions; From now on the Reeves Company will join the Survey Corps in opposing the Interior Military Police Brigade, as well as the Royal Government. Your company will trust the Survey Corps whole-heartedly, and as for the last condition...", Levi lifted a third finger. "From now on the Survey Corps will receive priority access to any rare or luxury food, drink or product the Reeves Company obtains. Tea for example". Your eyes widened.

"Fantastic! That's a fantastic condition Captain!", you heard Sasha yell from the entrance to the building where she was standing guard. You smiled at her excessive excitement while Connie yelled back for her to keep her focus on her post. You realised the regiment would finally be able to serve something other than the same old porridge and mashed potatoes that you had been eating relentlessly every day up until now, making you feel almost as excited as Sasha sounded.

'It's about time our regiment gets the treatment it deserves'

"You've got yourself a deal soldier", Dimo agreed as Mikasa helped untie his hands, making him able to shake Levi's hand properly.


The rain was pouring as you stood all cloaked up, waiting behind the trees by the forest edge. The faint sound of a carriage and horses closing in could be heard, making you alert and ready to get to your assigned spot on a moments notice.

A Second Chance (Marco x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now