Oh boy...pt.2

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After a while of running in circles, I heard it grunt before hearing his footsteps walk in the opposite direction I was going. Panic set in again as I skidded to a halt. He's going for them. I ran over to the building in time to see it disappear into thin air, Everyone who was previously hiding behind the shed came walking out, holding Butchers mangled body that now has a head, a left arm and right leg. Running up to them and then walking backwards to look at Smash before asking, "Are you guys alright?" gaining a small concerned smile from her, "Yeah, we were able to give Butcher three out of five limbs back." "That's good news! I'll go see if I can wake up a Gener to fix him up more." I ran towards the barracks to see which ones had Geners when I saw Nameless walk out of his. "Nameless! Quick! We need a-" "A Gener I know. I heard you guys screaming..." he said in an exhausting tone, "Right...sorry." I mumbled before following him towards the Saloon.

We walk in and Nameless goes directly to the counter were he quickly makes limbs for Butcher. I look over to Butcher to see how he's doing. He looks lost in thought as well as a little sad, causing me to frown to myself. I quickly fixed my composure. Why the hell was I feeling any form of emotion towards someone? A Normie for that matter too. I quickly shook the thought as Butcher looked up at me and smiled slightly, I just looked away as I walked over. Not even glancing at him, I sat down on a stool in front of him. "Hey Zee, you good? You didn't get hurt did you?" I looked at him in disbelief, worrying if I got hurt and not about his own well being...he's missing an arm and a leg for HueHueCoyotl's sake! Not to mention he was missing all of his limbs nearly an hour ago now! "Uh, yeah I'm good. I didn't get hurt...are you ok?" I asked a little too shaky for my own liking. The heck is wrong with me? "That's good...eeeeh. Me on the other hand. I've been better." he let out a hearty laugh at this before nameless walked over and told him to be quiet. He slapped the last two remaining limbs needed on. "Ahhhh, that feels better." Butcher started with a relaxed tone, sinking into the couch and closing his eyes.

We all relaxed a bit and talked, discussing what that thing could have possibly been. Just as Arc and I started to get into specifics on it, I realized Wolfie and Smash were missing. "Hey...where'd Smash and Wolfie go?" "What?" Arc asked, "I said, where did Smash and Wolfie go?" I repeated. "Oh! Probably on that Magot Hag mission with Woodsy." Arc replied unfazed, "Alone?!" I screeched before rushing out and down the path. "Zee wait!" Butcher and Arc called at the same time, rushing after me, everyone else following them. We all got to the site and were horrified. There was blood everywhere, someone was even tied to a tree! "Well that's gross." Butcher said with a slight chuckle.

We fought for a long while, the hag still not taken down. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Butcher came hurtling towards me, cutting my arm clean off. I screamed in pain and started slashing at him with the arm I still had. He went down and was brought back by Owl, Butcher now being normal again. We continued to fight, me with one arm. I'm pretty sure I actually took two og Butcher's at some point, which made me feel kind of bad. Poor guy just got those back...what am I saying?! I shook the thought off once more.

We finally killed the Hag, their corpse going up in flames and turning into ash. We celebrated and walked back together, excited and happy they were finally gone. We all almost forgot about our lost limbs...well..except for me. This was awful! I technically just got them back...

When we came back, a few Geners were already there to fix us up as well to tell us to stay outside as a meeting was going on inside. After awhile of waiting, Nimue walked out looked very upset, "Where were you guys? This was a very important meeting." she asked, scanning all of our beaten up bodies. "You were fighting? What were you fighting?" she asked, "How was it more important than this meeting?" she continued on. "It was the Maggot Hag Nimue." Smash spoke up softly, "Oh well, they were pretty gross I guess...But that could have waited." "Not really...if we didn't stop her she would have destroyed a shit ton of stuff." I spoke up. "Excuse me?" she asked, "You should not be using such language. There are chil-" "Sorry we're late! Got lost on the way here." Someone had said from the path beside us. "Wait, you're not the Crusade...you're the Army!" Nimue cried in fear as she backed away slightly. "Well, looks like we were discovered. Get the Shaman! And kill the others!" They charged at us, causing us to scatter. Arc and I being the only two to rush into the Saloon. "It's not the Red Crusade! It's the Red Army!" I yelled as I ran through and out the front door to get to the Barracks quicker. But I was to late, they had already ransacked them. I saw Smash sneak around to get to them to heal those inside so I decided to get their attention. "Hey! Smellies! Over here!" I called waving my hands above my head. It worked!...Oh shit it worked. I ran the opposite direction of the Army and lead them away from the Barracks. I watched as Smash went into each, one by one, healing everyone. We fought them for awhile before we all decided to hide from them until they passed through.

I quickly ducked behind the bar and stuck my back as far against it as possible, hoping the table covered my head enough. "Look around, they've got to be hiding around here somewhere." a voice said with a stern alertness, causing me to push myself further into the back of the bar table. Footsteps walked closer and closer to me as someone approached my hiding spot. I held my breath as feet came into view. Thankfully they walked by...or so I thought. Just when I thought they walked by I let out a sigh of relief by accident, alerting them to my location. They stopped walking and backed up, stopping in front of me. My breath hitched in my throat. Oh no...

They slid their sword into my chest in the blink of an eye, "Found one." They said tonelessly. Slipping the sword from my chest and moving out of the way, they watched my body fall in front of them as blood poured out of me. I felt my life drain from my body, a feeling I found to know all too well. Shit...

I heard Them leave and not long after foot steps rushing around healing people. "That looks like everyone." Smash said exhausted. "Seems like there's no more people to be healed so I'll head off to bed." "Okay Smash. Be careful." Brother Shaw said. As Smash was walking out, she noticed my body and gasped. "Jesus Zee!" she quickly ran over and healed me. "Thanks." I said in a daze, energy completely gone from my body from all the blood that had drained. "You're lucky you wear bright red or you would surely have died there." Brother Shaw exclaimed with a sad chuckle. "Sorry..." I mumbled while dusting myself off. I walked towards the swinging Saloon doors to head to bed, now exhausted from the fight...well running in my case. Nogard put his hand on my shoulder stopping me from advancing any further. "You are NOT going alone. Not after that." His stern look was enough for me to comply. "Fine." I grumbled, shaking his hand from my shoulder "I'll just wait until Brother Shaw is tired. He's in the same building as me." I marched over to the couch and sat down.

It had nearly been another hour before I started falling asleep on the couch. Brother Shaw shook me a little to keep me awake, "Hey, I'm heading off now. You ready" that comment only earned a glare from me as I stood up. "I've been ready for the last hour..."

The next day was just CHAOS. Everyone was running around like headless murder chickens. There were people setting up the device from G.O., there were people preparing for some kind of ritual. There were people already drinking and building some kind of bomb at the same time! I decided to stay out of ANY of that. Sitting on one of the benches outside with a few others who also did not want to be involved with today's shenanigans, we all played this gambling game called farkle or some kind of other weird name. I was losing BAD and needed to pick up the slacks when Boa came skipping over, "You guys want to play go-trickster?" "What's go-trickster?" I questioned with an intrigued smile, "It's a game me and a few others came up with our first night here! It's super fun!" "Sure, why not. Sounds fun"

We were in the middle of round three of this "go-trickster" when a sudden wave of confidence went through me, my mind going foggy as a name flashed through my mind. "Boxerman" I mumbled, "What? Why are you calling my name?" "I didn't...I said my own name...I'm Boxerman." I replied back as I stood. Soon everyone was yelling they were Boxerman and soon after that we were chasing a herd of monsters and killing them in groups. We took them all down in moments, cheering as we did. "Three Cheers for Boxerman! Hip-Hip!" "Hurray!" "Hip-Hip!" "Hurray!" "Hip-Hip!" "Hurry!" More cheering following after. We all headed into the Saloon for some auctioning where I received an item. It was super cool! A skull necklace with gems in it. I don't really know what it does but It came with some words that, like the Boxerman word, appeared in my mind, 'Munch! The skull grabs your weapon.' Huh, must be some kind of protection I guess. Whatever it did I liked it.

We all split up and headed off towards a location we all knew. Camp Eckywecky. A smile appeared on my face as I was feeling home sick, the few hours on the road bringing back memories of what my name actually was. Another smile arose as I started to realize that the resistance was my family, and the reason for the weird feeling in my chest. I didn't really like the feeling but I'll get used to it. After all, family is family.

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