Who is this strange man?

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"Are we there yet?" I groaned as I followed T4 and Butcher on a path through a thick brush. I was bored as hell as well as exhausted, it has been two days of travel will little to no rest and a lot of fighting. "No." Butcher said blankly, keeping his head forward as he lead are small ground. I groaned again throwing my head back dramatically. "Oh hush Zee, it won' be too long now." T4 spoke up from in front of me, "Yeah, I guess so..." I said before shutting my mouth for the rest of the walk. We walked for another half hour before we started to hear voices up ahead, Butcher stopped and put his hand behind him, stopping us. He pulled out his weapon and moved forward slowly, T4 with her claws ready and me with my acid, both following close behind. As we came closer to the noise, a light at the end of the path was seen as well as shadows walking by. We Stopped and waiting for the shadows to go by before continuing forward, exiting the path onto an open area that had a big half circle tent building to the side on our right and Normal tents set up to our left in the tree's. A few fires were going around the tents. "Be very quiet and careful. There could be people looking for a fight here like in GasTown." Butcher whispered to us, "Yes sir." "Okay..." T4 and I responded back.

We stayed in the opening to the side slightly for a few more minutes making sure it was safe to move forward. Butcher made a hand signal to move towards the big building, we came up from the back as quietly as possible. Butcher peeked his head around the corner of the back entrance. "Butcher?" A woman's voice spoke up with a confused tone. "Hey! Guys!" Butcher said loudly with a hint of laughter in his voice. He walked fully into the building, arms open, "I brought T4 and Zee with me!"

T4 and I tilted our heads to each other before following him inside. He was hugging Smash and I realized she was the one who called out to Butcher. I smiled seeing everyone there and saw a few new faces as well. We gave some hugs out and discussed what happened during our travels to the meet point. After settling down, I went and set up my tent and headed back to the big building. I went over to one of the benches and sat down in the same manner as my first day in the resistance, feet on the bench crouching, hands on knees and slouched over. I do this when I'm nervous or overwhelmed as it allows me to view my surroundings with the chance of jumping up and running if needed. A cat mutate came up to me, my feathers on my back fluffing up in a dangerous manner, preparing to attack, but all they did was sit beside me in the same manner as me. I gave them a confused look, feathers unruffling, this makes them chuckle, causing me to become more confused. "What?" I asked in a nervous tone, "Nothing, just being a copycat." They said, gesturing to the way they were sitting and the way I was, chuckling again at their own pun. A small giggle came from my mouth as I smiled a little. "I'm Finn!" They exclaimed as they stuck their hand out. I took their hand in mine and shook it, "Zee.." I said quietly, a little confused and cautious of their friendliness. "Nice to meet you Zee!" They smiled and let go of my hand after shaking it back. "So! When did you join the resistance?" They asked, sitting properly now. I sat normally as well now feeling more comfortable. "A few months ago." "That's pretty cool." We continued this conversation until I felt too tired to carry it on.

Still exhausted from the long trip, I sluggishly dragged my feet towards my tent, unzipped it and got in closing the door behind me. I snuggled into my sleeping bag with my whole body inside it, and curled up for extra warmth, slowly drifting off.

I woke up the next morning to fighting and footsteps slowly being dragged in my direction. I hurled myself out of my sleeping bag and unzipped my tent as quick as I possibly could, and came face-to-face with a fire zombie. "Holy shit!" I yelled, quickly dodging it's first slash at me. I clawed into its legs causing it to fall to fall to the ground. I hurled acid at its head and torso while it was still down, Clawing a few times trying to keep it from getting back up. It eventually did before I hurled two more acid spits at it and finally killing it. "Fuck, finally." I said to no one as I zipped my tent back up and rushed over to where everyone else was fighting. Out of nowhere, a zombie came over to the group and started to infect everyone, some were not so lucky and went zombie on us, some of which were mutates which meant they were running at people while screaming and inflicting a lot of wounds on fellow resistance members, except for Pipa...she's a Goliath mutate and those guys can deal a lot of damage, even in rage form. She was tiny but tough. She took down two or three people before finally being taken down and healed.

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