part 4 - A bad day

Start from the beginning

Arins breath hitched. Maybe these people were just also in need to get a roof over their head to avoid the rain. But she knew to be conscious and with a quick motion she put out the light in the candle and her hand automatically went to her revolvers in her shoulder straps caressing the holster in case of a quick drawl. She dipped her head down and snuck to the windows risking a look outside- the people outside turned out to be a bunch of dirty looking men arin recognized them immediately. O'Driscoll's- of course. Arin cursed quietly and her mind starting racing to avoid a confrontation with them since she was outnumbered. Even if she could take out a lot of them in her state and with her weak arm from the bullet wound she had endured a fight would be bad. A few more glances outside proved that these men were indeed looking to take shelter too , some of them barging into the sheds looking for one with a intact rooftop- which the only one available was the one arin was in. Those sheds had only one door and no windows big enough for a person to escape trough. Arins heart started racing, she wasn't afraid but she definitely got anxious- she could throw on an act when they should come inside- she could act out the lost girl who was taking shelter but knowing these men- these o'Driscoll's she knew they wouldn't leave her alone in that case also she would hate degrading herself to this level when arin avoided being the damsel in distress at all costs.  She tried to think of something else but it was too late- the old door already cracking as one of the o'Driscoll's made their way inside the room. Arin quickly hid inside the closet which wa standing in the corner without making any major noise and closed the doors praying he hadn't seen her yet. The man stepped inside scanning the room before turning around "there ain't no holes in this one. Move ya asses over here" he proceeded to yell to his peers and barged fully into the room followed by a few more men who were all looking like its been years since they took a shower or even attempted to keep up basic hygiene. They settled into the room and one of them noticed the lamp on the ground and with it the warthm coming from it. "Hey- I think we're not alone- this thing is still warm-" he concluded picking up the lamp and inspecting it. "But I ain't seen anyone coming out of here" one of them added attempting to get some of the wetness out of his clothes by wringing them out onto the floor. "Yea dumbass that means they're still in here" the other man said and looked around and his lips curled into a frightening grin "maybe they have sum valuables we can take-" he snickers and arin felt a wave of cold sweat rush over her as one of them got up and pointed to the closet with his grinn only widening. "In there. It's the only place to hide" arins eyes widening at his words she slowly took out her guns as she heard footsteps approaching her hiding place. "Come out~ with ya hands up and we promise to kill ya quickly" he cooed drawing his own gun.

Arins breath hitched as the doors ripped open but she didn't let the other have a chance to lay eyes on her because her bullet was between his eyes before he could even move a muscle. His brain splattered over the wooden frame and he fell back like rock as the smoke from arins revolver had only yet to clear as the other o'Driscoll only now reacted. They were drawing their guns but too late and arin set clean shoots through their heads as well as more and more of the floorboards got drenched In blood and remains of their faces as their bodies splattered on the floor. It all went well until a sharp pain in arins shoulder blade made her stutter in her act giving the surrounding enemies a chance to act. A bullet nearly missed her hand and she dropped her guns to the ground by the force the projectiles had leaving her defenceless as the o'Driscoll's finally took the upper hand kicking her guns out of reach. It was only then when arin felt the cold barrel of a gun pressed to the back of her head and arin stopped moving even if the pain in her shoulder kept aching. "My my my ~ who do we have here ~" a voice cooed and arin immediately knew who it belonged to. That nasty tone was a pain and she slowly drifted her eyes up to the leader of the o'Driscoll's himself. Colm. What a pathetic name for a pathetic ugly man. A man she had a quick runin before the same man that was holding her at gunpoint right now. "Now what a sight to behold ~ look at this pretty little thing killing my boys like a butcher. Didn't you mama taught you  any manners?" He added and kneeled down to her his stench creeping into arins nose. "I was just defending myself fucker" arin spat trying to hide the fact fear slowly rose up in her. "Oh ? Defending yourself? From what ? Us?" Colm laughed and grabbed arins cheeks forcing her to look at him "were just seeking shelter like you- then you proceed to attack Us. Behaviour like that needs to be punished ~" he squeezed her face even more "you're such a pretty little thing. We meet before right? And you're still here? Don't you know you're wanted ? There is someone who would pay a million dollars for turning you to the government- alive of course..." he trailed off and arin starred at him "don't tell me you didn't know?!" Colm laughed "you don't- and I thought you're smart. Why do you think the law didn't kill you when they were chasing you- because they wanted you alive you stupid bitch!" He chuckled aggressively and grabbed arin to pull her upwards on her feet. "Ya know we gonna hand you out and get rich- but... before we do that how about we have some fun with you?~ it ain't happening everyday a pretty thing like you comes across our way"

Arin didn't even listened to his rambling she was to busy and dazed at what he said to her. One million dollars to get her alive. Her mind was racing not only did she had an idea who could have set this bounty on her but she was also thinking about the consequences it would have now before she snapped back to reality as a hand grabbed her head again. "Are you even listening bitch?! Or are you mute now?" Colm yelled at her before pressing her down to her knees "don't matter anyway- I'd fuck the mute right outta ya and then ya scream for me will ya!" He growled but before he could do anything arin had reached her hand out to her revolvers on the floor which none of the men were too bothered about picking up before and with that she used them to jam the handle into colms head with all her force. The scrawny man stumbled back and arin used the chance to escape running towards the exit avoiding the angry hands reaching for her and finally making it out in one piece. She ran without looking back choosing a random direction- it was still raining and she knew some o'Driscoll's were following her , aiming at her to shoot her limps. Arin ran until she tripped the earth turning into slippery mud below her feet and she crashed into the ground with a splash neatly hitting her head on a stone that would have turned her skull into mush. Two of the o'Driscoll's  who followed her approached her pathetic form chuckling. "Now that was useless. come with us or we blow ya pretty limps off" he threatened lifting his gun "ya know what? Fuck it. Ya don't need ya legs" but before they could do anything else two loud shots ringed to trough the air and the men dropped dead to the ground infront of arins feet. Arin who was dazed from the fall and couldn't feel her body anymore only register now the person  that saved her approaching. A hand appeared into her flickering field of vision reaching out to her. "Who knew I'd be the one having to save ya. How to turn tables huh?" A familiar voice chimed and arin had to blink before she believed who just saved her from being crippled. "Micah?! What- what the hell are YOU doing here?" She uttered confused grabbing his hand reluctantly and stood up on unsteady muddy legs. "Saving ya ass. I saw you leaving camp without ya horse in the middle of a storm. I thought ya lost it or something and I followed ya tracks.... who knew I'd end up saving ya from a bunch of o'Driscoll's" he quickly explained while tugging arin towards the already waiting baylock. "Ya can thank me later midget ~ now ya just gotta come with me" he said and arin starred at him as if she'd seen a ghost. "I- I.....I can't belive you saved me. You. Rat faced creepy ass actually saved me-" she said and micah huffed offended "if ya say shit like that I can and will leave you here" he hissed  and arin immediately shut her mouth. He helped to mount up on baylock with him and they rode back to the camp after three hours since arin went away from it. "I found ya horse by the way" micah told arin as they arrived and she got off and looked up at him. "He was running trough the valley. Got scared by thunder and ripped his rope. Took a long time to catch em...." he sighs and arin got quiet. ".... I... see... uh... thank you..... I guess." She said unsure how to react to this mans sudden nice behaviour but she was too worn out to think about it too much. Everything that just happened seemed like bad dream now and she just wanted to get the Mudd of her and get dry and then maybe take some time to think and process what just went down.... and maybe... just maybe she actually would go and thank micah properly and beg him to shut up about having to save her from a bunch of o'Driscoll's.

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