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I finish slipping on my gray joggers and look at the mirror to see my wound, all stitched up. I shake my head and place a bandage over it before throwing on a blue top and braiding my hair, I add light makeup and instead of putting on my contacts like I usually do, I slip on my glasses then move over, slipping on white socks and sneakers.

I stood up from the chair and gripped the table in front of me, it's like changing my clothes was draining my energy. Why am I doing this to myself? I shake my head, a sigh escaping my lips and my grip loosens on the table. I turn on my heel and force myself to take steps but with each step, it felt like I had gotten shot in the same spot repeatedly.

My mind drifts to Isaac, he had been missing my calls and texts all week and I wasn't exactly planning to go to the loft for him. Yes, he's worth it but my energy is currently down the drain.

"Why am I still alive?" I mumble to myself, grabbing my car keys and walking towards the stairs. I stare down at the stairs. If I fall down, I might as well be dead. I grip the railings and go on my way down, careful not to trip and surprisingly, I made it down then look to see the cane from the clinic.

"Take it with you." I almost jump at the voice of her, turning around to face the strawberry blonde, gripping my chest in surprise. "Because I'm not going to wait a day for you to walk with me."

"Yeah..um, I was thinking of dropping myself there. I want to get used to being shot. Thanks though."



Lydia is much more stubborn than I thought as she quite literally dragged me with her. Now, that wasn't a great struggle because I don't exactly have the upper hand right now. My lips purse as we stood in the boys locker room with Melissa next to us, both my hands on the cane with a bored expression.

"Good morning! In less than an hour, aircraft from here will be joining others from around the world..." Coach starts speaking or quoting something, I'm not really sure. "...and you will be launching the largest aerial battle in the history of mankind. Mankind.. that word should have new meaning for all of us today."

Stiles stood next to me. He checked up on me a couple of times this week. I feel a tap on my shoulder making Stiles and I turn to Melissa. "What the hell is he talking about?" She questions.

"He does this every year." Stiles informs and she stares at him in disbelief. "Seriously?"

"We are fighting for our right to live! But, as the day the world declared in one voice We will not go quietly into the night! Today we celebrate our Independence Day." Everyone cheers him on and I shake my head in disbelief.

Just then, Gerard appears. "Well spoken, Coach. I might have chosen something with a little more historical value, but there's no denying your passion. And, while I haven't been here long, there's no denying my pride in having a winning team for this school. I know you'll all be brilliant tonight, even with only one co-captain leading you. Now, I'm your principal, but I'm also a fan... So, don't think I'll be content to watch you merely beat this team. Get out there and murder them."

"You heard the man! Asses on the field!"


My eyes look around me Lydia has disappeared and a yawn escapes my lips. I stand up, ignoring the pain from my stomach and go over to the bench with Stiles and Scott. They notice me and make space, allowing me to sit in between the two boys with a look on my face.

I was expecting Isaac to come here but maybe he had an argument with someone and is in a bad mood so I understand if he'd need some time alone, wouldn't want to be a clingy girlfriend and besides, I have my own problems and I don't want to drag him into it. I push away the glum thoughts and think about Isaac in general which makes my lips tug up.

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