Start from the beginning

"Ok but because you get me stuff all the time you shouldn't get me anything for my birthday. You don't think I have enough stuff?" I smacked my lips.

"You can never have enough stuff." I replied. "I thought we talked about this. Fuck going on? Youn like me getting you shit now?"

"I never said that." She said shaking my head. "Wait, is this an argument or just an conversation?"

"A conversation." I said with a shrug. "Why?"

"You're cussing at me and some may take that as you getting angry but I can't tell so I'm asking for clarification." She explained.

"I ain't getting mad. I just don't understand why you saying youn want nothing for your birthday. Youn wanna be with me no more? We breaking up?"

"Ughhhh!" She groaned. "Where did you even get that from? Are you having an autistic episode?"

I smacked my lips. "Bae, stop playing."

"I'm not. You're being ridiculous. If you wanna get me something for my birthday then go ahead. I don't see the point in this conversation considering your birthday is before mine." She said with a shrug. "I'm gonna be gone all day so just text me because I'm not gonna be able to talk on the phone."

I scrunched my face up as I watched her climb off of the bed. Something was up, she was acting too weird today. She usually didn't get out the bed until I did cause she wanna cuddle and shit but she moving way different. "Where you going?"

She walked over to her suitcase and pulled out some clothes. "I have a hair appointment. I'm getting a blonde install for my birthday." She said with a wide smile, I pouted.

"Youn wanna cuddle with your nigga before you leave?" I asked looking at her, she giggled.

"Dooda we can cuddle later," She said. "I have to get ready and you have to get Nene ready. So get up."

"Who said I had to get her ready?"

"Me," She replied with a mug. "So get up now. I don't wanna be late to my hair appointment Dejhari."

I smacked my lips and got up. I slid into my polo pajama pants and grabbed my phone to see if I had any text messages from my Granny-Maw. "I can't believe Meena scamming." I pointed out shaking my head, Muga chuckled.

"I'm not shocked." She said walking into the bathroom, I followed behind her.

"Why you say that?" I asked eyeing her. I grabbed my toothbrush and turned the faucet on so I could brush my teeth and stuff like that. "You think she been doing that shit?"

"I wouldn't be surprised." She said softly. I loved her voice the most because it was so beautiful to me. She reminded me of a confused angel who just wanted to live her life how she wanted. "Nothing our friend group surprises me anymore."

I didn't even notice she was in the shower until now but she wasn't lying. They never really shocked me because I don't care about what they do as long as they ass don't die or catch something. Other than that, they can do what they want. Who am I to judge?

The only person life I'm sniffing around is my girl. But that's my job to be checking for her life the way I do because if I don't then who will?

Only time I say something to they nasty asses is if it's brought to me. I speak on what is told to me. I don't got time to be tryna figure other people life out when mine barely figured out. That's why I don't see how Wendy Williams do it.

She built like a pork chop anyway.

"Dooda, do you wear Gap?"

"I wear they shorts but that's pretty much it. Ion really shop from there no more." I said. "Why?"

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