8|Rose Without Thorns|

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It had been a total of three days now that Clay had first entered George’s room and never left. It got to the point where George would often ask Clay if he felt certain he wanted to stay, just in case he was restricting Clay too much and keeping him as more of a prisoner rather than a guest. 

Although Clay’s answer was often “I’ll stay as long as you’ll have me,” Clay’s real answer was always “I want to leave so I’m not a burden on you anymore.” 

The blond loved the idea of being so close to someone every single night, of finally having a stable roof over his head with no responsibilities other than supplying his brunette partner with enough love to last a lifetime. For once, it made him forget about all of his previous plans and altercations he had set up with other people in the outside world. 

Clay wasn’t usually one to stick close to people or find attachments, but this time was different. He was being selfish; unfortunately, he was starting to fuel a burning hate for that selfishness. In past experiences, every time he was being rather selfish, he only caused trouble and pain for those around him. So much pain and so much trouble that he would buy a bus ticket and never look back. Hell, he would even beg for money on the side of the road just so he wasn’t a burden anymore. 

Anytime he finally felt some sort of security, he would uproot it because he got so attached he ironically pushed those people away until they were nothing more but strangers. 

Clay didn’t like that detail about himself. He didn’t want to be selfish. 

But for some reason, George brought that out of him with his unusual kindness that was impossible to find in most strangers, let alone people in general. 

It was something so sweet, so fragile that it had to be handled with great appreciation and adoration as if it was a soft-petal rose with no thorns. 

Actually, that was a great way to describe George; the perks of a rose without thorns. The beauty, charm, and dynamism of a rose without the pricks. It was impossible for Clay to find something bad about the brunette; and it wasn’t a matter of trying hard enough to find one or not. Constantly, Clay had been searching for just that so he had a reason not to fall so deeply in love with this boy. 

Of course, George had his fair share of backhanded comments and teases but they were just exactly that; teases. None of it meant anything, or was said in a discriminatory way. If anything, it added to the brunette’s charm. Those subtle remarks and witty comments were what drew Clay to him in the first place. 

During Clay’s stay, he was made aware of George’s social media presence, which then got him interested in the idea of streaming. 

When he was a teenager, he had of course heard of those things such as Twitch streaming and YouTube channels, but due to his situation at the time he was never able to act on his dreams of becoming an influencer. Often he would look up to his previous idols on YouTube and he would say “God, I want to do that one day” but because life likes to put people under dire circumstances, he never had the chance; so naturally, he was thrown even deeper in love with George because he was living a dream that Clay had so long wanted as a younger kid. Instead of just being in love, he looked up to the brunette. 

His obsession was growing each second, and there was nothing he could do about it. Well, there was, but he wasn’t willing to leave just yet. 

On this particular afternoon, they were doing exactly what they did every other day, and that was falling into their newly found habit of Clay watching George edit while the blond sat idly by just watching. 

He found it oddly calming to watch George fall into this editing focus, where he would click and drag things around the screen in a hypnotic state. He also found it entertaining to watch the videos in which George was editing. He liked the tension, the lighthearted petty rivalry, and sometimes the stupid jokes that George or his friends would make. 

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