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The first minute of the ride was fairly normal, considering the circumstances; they made small talk pertaining to the weather, and to the music that George was playing. All in all, it was a pleasant atmosphere- the two had some sort of mutual understanding that they enjoyed the company they were in.

The sun finally set below the horizon, setting the two in a complete darkness that cast through the car in dramatic shadows. Lights from the afar city faded into a soft glow- a stark contrast to the night that slowly consumed this section of the Earth.

George suddenly caught sight of a sign for a restaurant nearby which happened to be a relatively small diner. The outside was reminiscent of a 50's diner with red, blue and yellow neon lights along with the aluminum colored paneling that covered the building. As a part of his new lifestyle of making only impulsive decisions--or rather "going with the flow"--he wondered if Clay would want to get something to eat. After all, the ice cream he bought Nick and Karl was probably already melted and he had nothing to attend to that was of importance. Considering the fact that George just picked Clay up at a convenience store, he probably didn't have a home (or at least a home nearby).

His assumptions led him to ask, "Did you want to stop and get something to eat?"

Clay looked out the window, catching eyesight with the diner that they were nearing.

"Uh... I don't have any money..." he glumly pointed out, mumbling his words.

"Don't worry about it," George beamed. "I'll pay."

"I... I can't do that..."

"What do you mean? It's free food. You were just standing outside of a convenience store asking for a ride- I'm going to assume you probably haven't eaten in a while."

"I'm not a charity case."

"I never said you were," George replied sternly, already pulling into the parking lot of the restaurant. "Just think of this as a... I don't know... random act of kindness!"

"Why are you being so nice to me? It doesn't make any sense," Clay stated, giving George a look of confusion which consisted of knitted eyebrows and a slight frown.

To be fair, George didn't really know either. It wasn't natural for him to be kind or caring of others. In a usual circumstance, it was hard for him to even show any sort of affection- it was quite rare of him to do so. Even his friends didn't experience it often. George found comfort in lighthearted teases towards the people he loved, which was his usual form of love that he gave to those around him. All of his friends just learned to accept it.

"I don't know, I just thought I would change it up and be nice for once; you should consider yourself lucky. I'm not like this with most people," George answered candidly, tapping his fingers against the car's steering wheel; his gaze shifted to the windows of the building, watching the people inside who sat at their booth.

"I'm not usually this trusting of people I just met, so consider yourself lucky."

"...What does that mean?"

"That means I'll eat with you, if you really want that," Clay clarified, already pulling the door open to the car. "I guess it would repay the favor."

"Bold of you to assume that only this would repay the favor," George teased, shoving the drivers side door open with alacrity in his movements.

"...What does that even mean?"

"Whatever you want it to mean," George snickered, catching eye-contact with Clay over the hood of the car- he was rather tall, standing at around 6'3".

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