1|Impulse Decisions|

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George leaned back in his desk chair after a particularly grueling session of recording for both Nick’s and his own YouTube channel. The two were still talking on Discord, even though they were only in two separate rooms. Nick asked, “Did you want to go watch a movie? I think we both need it after that…” 

George groaned, replying, “I can’t believe my code didn’t work! I spent so much time on it!”

“Maybe you were just stressed,” Nick suggested absentmindedly. “You were busy moving here, plus you were also streaming a lot- honestly I think you’re pushing yourself.”

The Brit combed his fingers through his hair. 

“I’ve just been restless lately. I need to be doing stuff, not just relaxing or whatever.” 

George continued to walk around in their Minecraft recording server, switching to creative mode so he could relieve some of the stress that was building in his chest. Every second, his mind constantly reverted back to the fact that he had to make sure that this video was good for his viewers; it had been a long time since he last uploaded, and if they didn’t like it, then he could say goodbye to his fans. George didn’t like to think like that, but he found it hard to get rid of those intrusive thoughts that formulated in his brain at unnecessary times. 

“Come on, I think you should just take the rest of the night to hang out with me and Karl; watch a movie or something. You need it,” Nick reiterated. 

Before George could argue with him that he should be editing the video, he heard the sound that signified Nick had ended the Discord call. Soon, the green dot next to his profile picture turned to a hollow gray circle, meaning he had left his Discord completely. George was going to be subjected to a night together with Karl and Nick, whether he wanted to or not. 

Soon enough, George heard his door open and Nick plead, “Dude, come on. You need this. Don’t fight me on it because you know I will drag you out of here.” 

The shorter brunette whined, leaning back in his chair. He complained, “But I have to edit the video, Nick!” 

“That can wait,” Nick replied, already dragging George out of his chair. “Karl already has the movie picked out and everything! He also made popcorn.”

George perked up at the mention of popcorn, asking softly, “Popcorn?”

“Yes, popcorn.”

Well, the video could wait; he had more important business to attend to, which consisted of devouring popcorn into the late hours of the night. 

Without hesitation, George rose from his chair and started his descent downstairs, where he could smell the delicious buttery smell drifting through the air. He did need this; for once, Nick was right. 

Karl noticed the other boy coming down the stairs from his place on the gray couch, holding out a bowl of popcorn for the older. George gratefully took the bowl, seating himself on the “L” part of the couch in the corner. He teased, “Wow, George actually has the time to hang out with us! I thought he was too good for us, Nick.”

Nick chuckled lightly, George throwing both of them an annoyed glance, even if internally he really wasn’t annoyed with either of them. In reality, he was happy that Nick did pull him away from his computer. As soon as Nick started the movie, he became engrossed in the screen, enjoying every second of his break with his friends. 

Every so often, he would look over to the two who were seated on the other side of the couch; Karl was cuddled into Nick’s side, while Nick would give him glances with stars twinkling in his eyes as he admired the smaller boy. Sharp pangs of guilt tugged at George’s heartstrings every time he thought of how he missed having that type of relationship. Did he feel guilty for having those feelings of jealousy? Sure- but that wasn’t enough to keep George’s mind from reverting back to it. 

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