7|Perfectly Timed|

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Morning slowly turned into a clement afternoon. Both George and Clay were left inside of the brunette's room, making light conversation while casually listening to light music that randomly passed on the speakers from George's shuffled playlist. As much as George enjoyed every passing second he got with his new... friend... he needed to see both Nick and Karl before they called the police to report a missing person. With that in mind, he found it extremely strange that none of the two actually decided to visit his room, or make an effort to knock on it. As much as George wanted to take that as a sign that he should stay with Clay, he begrudgingly said to the blond, "Stay here, okay? I need to go find my friends. I'm surprised they haven't even tried knocking on my door, actually."

"...Okay, I guess," Clay mumbled softly, his smile faltering only slightly.

George nodded, lifting himself off of the bed; impulsively, Clay held onto the boy's wrist before he could leave, asking, "Are you going to tell them about me?"

"Do you want me to?"


"Then I won't, as long as you promise you're going to stay here," George smiled sincerely, taking the hand that was tightly gripped to his wrist in his own. "At least if you're going to leave, I want a decent goodbye."

"Last night wasn't a decent enough goodbye for you?" Clay teased, biting his bottom lip ever so slightly.

"...Always have to bring it up, don't you?"

"Of course! It was... hot."

"I mean, I could've turned on the air conditioner, or-"


George laughed, dropping Clay's hand from his hold. His eyes scanned over Clay's face before wondering, "What, was the joke really not that funny?"

"...You're such an idiot, George."

"Correction: I'm your idiot," George beamed, with a simple grin.

"...You got me there."

The brunette laughed, taking light, airy steps to his bedroom door. He peeked outside of the door for a transient moment before exiting, just in case any of his two roommates would have been there to see Clay on his bed; in all honesty, he had no clue what Nick or Karl would say about a visitor they were unaware of to begin with being in his bed.

George looked over the balcony that faced the living room, looking to see if either Karl or Nick were down there; he sighed. They weren't down there, meaning that they would probably be in their bedroom.

His fingertips faintly grazed the wall to his right before finding their way to the boys' door. He took a deep breath, trying to gather all of his thoughts--and possible excuses--before finding the courage to turn the doorknob. The hinges emanated an almost soundless creak, which made George inwardly cringe- his eyes shot over to the bed, where he saw the two boys still sound asleep. Karl was nestled into Nick's side, Nick's arm draped lazily over Karl's petite frame.

The brunette shook his head, running his fingers through his hair before murmuring a light, "...Nick? Karl?"

The boys remained motionless, and the only sounds were ones of Nick's obnoxious snoring that overpowered Karl's more light snores.

"Nick! Karl!" George raised his voice; he kept still in the doorway once he saw Karl jump and rub his eyes indolently, looking to where the sudden yell came from.

Karl opened his eyes wide in shock before he started to vigorously shake the boy who was practically laying on top of him.

"Dude, wake up! George is back!" Karl frantically whispered, his voice sounding hoarse from just waking up. "Nick!"

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