"That's what you implied, you asshole."

All he does is pull a toothy smirk while shaking his head at me. His classic face that gets me so angry.

"What's funny." I spit.

"I guess it's true, what they say about redheads." he says, making me furrow my brows.

"They're fiery." he continues.

His comment makes me roll my eyes a final time before standing up, but as I stand too quickly...I lose my balance and have to grab onto the counter for support.

I guess I'm still a little dizzy from hitting my head.

"The doctor sent you home with painkillers." Harry says as I close my eyes and try to regain my balance.

"I don't need them."

"Says the girl who can barely stand." he retorts.

I don't have the energy to roll my eyes this time.

"I have stuff to do today. I can't have painkillers knocking me out." I tell him as I slowly stand back up straight.

"Like what? Paint?"

"I need to go downtown." I say.

"You actually need to rest. You'd do that if you were smart."

I shake my head. "No, I'm going. I need to get this fucking painting done."

He rolls his eyes briefly in frustration, before finally coming to some sort of internal conclusion that I wasn't aware of yet.

"Fine..." he says, "then I'm coming with you."

I freeze in my tracks, creasing my brows together as I look him up and down, my face holding a bewildered expression.

"Uh, no. I'm going alone."

"Uh, no you're not." he mocks me.

"Why do you even want to come?" I glare at him.

"Believe me, Picasso...I don't. Zayn told me not to leave you alone."

"Oh, and you do everything Zayn tells you?"

He cocks his head, narrowing his eyes. "Watch it." he mutters.

I give him another glare, my jaw clenched.

He made me so angry.

"We'll leave in twenty, Picasso." he mumbles before walking past me.

I fucking hate that nickname.

I took a shower, cleaning my sore body up while being cautious of the wound on my head. I had to replace the bandage when I got out of the shower.

I got dressed into a blue floral sundress, blowdrying my hair and putting it up into a quick ponytail.

I was excited to get out of the villa...I just don't want it to be with Harry.

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