17th December 3:16 pm

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The first thing I noticed when I entered the restaurant was that Harry was also standing near the doorway.
''Why are you here, Potter? '', I asked. 
''I'm here to meet Hermione. What about you? Come to meet Pansy have you?'', Harry said.

''Oh! I see you've already met each other. How. . . nice!'', Hermione said, looking a bit flustered.

''Um, yes. Me and Harry were just discussing how nice the weather is. Isn't it, Harry?'', I said trying to cover up our semi-argument. 
''Yes, yes. It is so cold! And, I love cold weather, especially when it's about to snow.'', Harry said, trying to playing along.

''Okay. Well, that means that this meeting will be civil if you both of you have moved on. Shall we sit?'', she asked in the end.
''Yes, let's. Hermione, you said that you will be telling me what's in the will.'', sitting down, opposite me.

''About that, Harry. . .could you do me a favour and not disclose the information in the will to anyone?'', Hermione asked. Well, I thought that she was getting hyper for no reason, but now I have changed my views. 

''Yes, Hermione. Really though, you can take Draco to the reading and have trust issues with me?'', Harry said looking a tad bit annoyed. Well, serves him right. 
''I am just being careful, okay? No need to get all hot-headed and stuff.'', Hermione said. 
''Hermione can you please continue. I have some errands to run at 2:30 pm.'', Harry said. I guess there was a hint of impatience in his voice, but I'm not really sure.

Hermione made a face and took out the will, and handed it over to Harry. He read it over quickly and asked,''Is this even true?''.

Hermione replied by saying,''Yeah. I mean, I went to the given address and asked around. The neighbours said that the man who lived there kept odd hours and limped while walking.''
That got me a bit angry so I said,''Wait. You went there without me? I thought we were going to meet Mad-Eye together.'' 
She looked at me as if she wanted to kill me, but she somehow controlled the situation and said,''I was thinking about the basilisk fang and his wand, when I remembered that I saw him fiddling with them one night. Then a thought struck me, and I was like 'was he trying to hide something in them?'. So, what do you think?''

I replied by saying,''Yeah. I mean it is a possibility. Have you checked?''
She looked a bit shocked when I said that and said,''What? No! I wanted to see if my assumption is true, by discussing it with you guys.''
Instead of supporting her, Harry just looked at his watch and said,''Yeah-yeah. Okay I need to go now. See you later.''

After he said that, Hermione looked close to tears, but instead of crying she asked me if I could drop her till outside. Since I didn't have any option I agreed.

I thought that this was the correct time to tell her, but she just suddenly said that she had be be somewhere and she apparated before I could finish saying ''. . .you''.


                                                   La Fin :) :)  

"Books let us into their souls and lay open to us the secrets of our own. ~William Hazlitt"

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