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chapter three
join the call!!

Tommy had started streaming by himself and playing minecraft when he decided he needed someone to bother. he knew Salem was watching thanks to a few comments she left in the chat. so he decided to call her on discord.

"we're now calling my friend for entertainment purpose." Tommy announced.

we're literally not friends Tommy

Tommy groaned, "Salem!" he shouted, "join the call!"

Salem answered the call and her voice instantly sounded, "what's up, dickhead?"

"you're lucky you're muted to the stream otherwise everyone would send you hate." Tommy laughed.

"it's because i'm hot."

Tommy just chuckled, "anything to say before i unmute you?"

"yes. i would like to say, you're very beautiful tommy. but you're also a twat. now please unmute me."

Tommy ignored the way his face instantly turned red and chose to just unmute the call from the stream so people could hear Salem. he wasn't sure if anyone could see how insanely embarrassed he got but thankfully they did know it was because of an insincere compliment.

"hello Tomathy's chat!" Salem shouted into the mic.

Tommy laughed, "Sal, join the server. i'll send you the ip."

"okay gimme a sec, i'm going to grab my fruit shoot."

"why do you have a- nevermind." Tommy cut himself off, not bothering to question it, "turn your camera on."

"alright alright. you're so bossy today."

Salem turned on her camera to reveal her looking very different to how she often did at college. she had no makeup on which took him by surprise. he was used to the excessive eyeliner or faux freckles. he stared for a second before snapping out of, hoping chat and Salem didn't notice.

"never mind, turn it off. you look ugly."

"you always look ugly when you stream but i don't stop you." Salem shrugged, with a giggle.

Tommy let out a huff when Wilbur tried calling him during the stream. instead he just added him into the call with Salem, knowing she wouldn't really mind about it, since she was midway through building a farm.

"hi, you two." Wilbur spoke enthusiastically, a teasing tone in his voice, "how are we all?"

"what do you want Wilbur?" Tommy asked.

instantly, he noticed how quiet Salem went. it was unusual her being silent. but he knew she felt uncomfortable when it came to speaking up to new people, so he didn't press her on it.

"i just came to say hello to you and your friend." Wilbur chuckled, "hi, Tommy's friend."

"hi." the girl mumbled, her voice soft.

Wilbur hummed, "she's so quiet and nice. Tommy she's like the opposite of you. i can't believe you're forcing this poor girl into playing minecraft with you."

"she's not nice or quiet!" Tommy exclaimed, shocked by the way new people thought Salem was, "she's mean! she bullies me everyday."

"this is the girl you said is mean to you?" Wilbur laughed out, "you're such a pussy!"

Salem giggled aswell, "you are a pussy." she murmured, jokingly, causing Tommy to chuckle.

"see how mean she is! don't let her fool you."

"i think she's nice." Wilbur informed, attempting to annoy Tommy.

"see, Tommo, Wilbur likes me. you're just stupid."

[ ⌨︎ ✰ @ˢᵒᵒᵗᵛⁱˢⁱᵒⁿ ⁱˢ ᵗʸᵖⁱⁿᵍ··· ]

just you wait, Wilbur and Salem will be besties and bully Tommy together<3

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