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chapter one
real life!

Salem found it hard to ignore Tommy when he was in nearly all of her lectures. they also had a lot of friends in common which always sucked. there wasn't much she could do to avoid him at this point.

so that's why she sat eating her lunch across from him. the boy grinned seeing the clear annoyance in her expression every time he opened his mouth to speak.

"can i have that kitkat?" Tommy asked, pointing at her food.

Salem scoffed, "no you can't. it's my bloody food, Tommy."

"can i have a sip of your caprisun?"

"i will hit you." Salem warned, glaring at the boy.

their friend Ethan rolled his eyes, "alright you two, stop arguing."

Millie smiled, "can i have the kitkat, Sal?"

Salem nodded and handed over the kitkat, "didnt want it anyway."

everyone began laughing as Millie ate the kitkat and Tommy watched in irritation.

"what the fuck!"

Tommy was midway through his stream when Salem joined. she grinned at her computer as Tommy repeatedly hit Tubbo on minecraft. she decided to annoy the boy a bit while she had free time.


"all this is doing is proving you watch my streams, Salem." Tommy retorted casually, "thanks for the fiver though. i'll buy some kitkats."

Tommybitchit!! i'm your number one fan babe! please notice me!

"Salem stop giving me money. i'm sending it back." he huffed.

Salem laughed at this and just donated more.

haha 420 watcha smokin, pussy?

"Salem stop!" Tommy groaned.

"who's Salem?" Tubbo asked, curiously.

"the most annoying person on the planet."

"Tommy don't be mean to someone who's donating you money!"

haha 69 funny number. also i love Tubbo now.

"fuck off, Woman!"

Salem bit her lip as she watched the stream, withholding her laughter. she rather enjoyed annoying the boy. she wasn't sure why.

[ ⌨︎ ✰ @ˢᵒᵒᵗᵛⁱˢⁱᵒⁿ ⁱˢ ᵗʸᵖⁱⁿᵍ··· ]

the return of fools

𝐅𝐎𝐎𝐋𝐒, Tommyinnit ✓Where stories live. Discover now