~Chapter 1~

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"Marinette!" Alya runs up the stairs to Marinette's room.

"What's the matter?" Marinette asks.

"Nothing is the matter! But.... Chloe just invited the whole class to a slumber party on Saturday!" she said waving her phone in the air.

"Why would CHLOE do that?"

"I don't know! But it all seems really legit!"

"Huh! I'm not coming."

"Rose, Max and Juleka are coming!"

"I haven't got an invite yet," Marinette said a little disappointed.

"I thought you weren't coming?" Alya raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not!" Marinette replies indigently.

"Nino's coming!" Alya said excitedly furiously tapping her reply.

"Wow of course Chloe would forget to invite me!" Marinette sulked. Now she felt left out.

"Adrien's coming, Mari!" Alya basically screamed.

"Don't tell the world Alya!" Marinette covered her bestie's mouth with her hands.

"Weird, I didn't get... Ew ew ew she invited me!" Marinette said holding her phone at arm's length.

"Girl, you're one weird chic!" Alya chuckled.


Two days later Marinette skips down the street to Alya's house, and then together they catch the bus to Chloe's 'daddy's' hotel.

Seeing the mattresses laid out in the Bourgeois' lounge makes Marinette get all excited again.

WOW! Marinette thinks. What if I get to sleep next to Adrien?! Then my heart would probably melt and then I would have to go home due to heart failure and then Adrien would get married to Kagami and that means I would never get married to Adrien Agreste and have two kids and a hamster called....

"Marinette?" Ayla interrupts, "Chloe's talking to you!"

"... and anyways that's why I invited you two," Chloe said checking her yellow and white striped nails.

"Thank you for inviting us Chloe," Alya said as politely as possible.

But Chloe wasn't listening and she walks off with Sabrina at her heels.

People start to unpack their bedding when Ivan exclaims.

"I don't want to sleep on the end! I won't be able to see anyone!" 

"Uh, it will be dark you know?" Chloe says with her hand on her hip.

"Why don't we move the mattresses to make a circle? That way no one is on the end!" Marinette suggests helpfully.

"Excellent idea Marinette!" Adrien says walking through the door.

"H.Hi Adrien!" Marinette stutters.

"Adrikins!" Chloe exclaims, throwing her arms around his neck, "I have a spot right over here for you!"

Marinette sighs as Chloe leads him to the mattress next to her. On the other side of the circle.

"Don't sweat it girl! Besides! At least 'Adrikins' could come!" Alya says.

"Yeah! You're right Alya!" Marinette says with a smile.

Soon everyone had arrived and the class was sitting in a circle on their mattresses. Chips and being handed around and Marinette  starts to think maybe this won't be so bad after all.

"Ok people listen up!" Chloe said clapping her hands, "As you all know, I am Queen Bee! I have memorized all the Miraculouses and I will be assigning one to each of you and you will have to 'be' that superhero for the rest of the night. Your names will also be changed."

Excited chatter erupted around the room.

"Each one of you has a superhero that is suited to your personality," Chloe continues and points to Adrien, "You, Adrikins, are Chat Noir!"

"No I'm not!" He retorts quickly, "I don't know what you are talking about!"

"No Dude! It's a game!" Nino whispers.

"Oh! Right!" Adrien replies quietly and Nino turns back to Chloe, "Phew!"

"Ivan, Ox. Sabrina, Peacock," Chloe reads from the list in her hand.

"Tikki!" Marinette steps away from the group and whispers into her purse, "What if I get called Ladybug?!"

"It's just a game Marinette! You will be fine!" Tikki reassures her.

"I'm scared of my secret being uncovered Tikki!" Marinette whispers furiously.

"Marinette?" Adrien questions, stepping towards her, "Are you okay?"


EEE!!! I'm excited to share this story with you guys!

Thank you all so much for almost 20 reads on my Pink Macarons MLB fanfic! It really means a lot to me!

I hope you guys enjoy the story and don't forget leave a comment and vote!

Bug out!

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