" But Ali . I thought I got over those feelings. And now it makes it even more hard. "

Matt scratched his little beard as if thinking of a masterplan . His mind works fast.

" Let's say , I got a nice plan " did he read my mind ?

" In my opinion , it's better to solve your problems before your wedding . We never know what is going to happen if both of you misunderstand each other . You know she has changed . Get to know about her lifestyle. Be a new person infront of her . Just be a new person  who understands her .
And for this to start , you guys need to talk. Invite her for a movie night or whatever.. you know a lot about her . Give it a try and call her . "

This idea seems stupid . A movie night ? Let's give it a try .

" What kind of childish idea is it . We are not teenagers anymore . I don't think we have that kind of time " rolling his eyes Evan sat down.

" What do you mean by you don't have that kind of time ? You need to stop being such workaholic person , even in future . Matt is right . Call her . None of us are going to help you . This is between both of you . And you seem to step back again . That's not how it's going to work . "

" Arrange a date . " We both looked at Matt .
" Yes . Date. Not the types where you take her to some fancy restaurant and show off about your business and money . But rather take her to a place where no one can interupt you. A peaceful place . A place which is decorated just for you guys . And the only thing you need to do is random talk . This might give the answer what you guys have been looking for. "

Hopeless romantic are we ?
" Idea doesn't seem bad "
" What do you mean by bad , this is the best idea I could think of . Rest all depends on this coward and your stubborn sister " oh this man . Why do I love him again ?

Evan stood up abruptly . Looking at both of us , he smiled and dialled a number on his phone .
Sweating he looked around the house . Who is he going to talk to ?

Lena's POV ~
The sound of phone ringing distracted my thoughts. Sighing I looked at my phone . Unknown number. Usually I don't pick up but my gut feeling tells me to do it.

" Hello ..?"
There was a long pause before I heard a deep voice which I recognised very well.

" Hi Lena . It's me Evan "

" Uh.. hi. How did you get my number.. I mean..I "

" Mom gave me . You better save it " I could hear him smile . Somehow it made me feel better .

" We didn't have much time to talk the last time we met . Do you think there's a chance we could meet again ?"

This is exactly what I have been thinking . Act cool.

" I think that's a good idea ... I-"

" Perfect. It's just a small meet up lena . It's a comfortable thing . What do you think of this Saturday ?"

" Yes I guess.. "

" Then I will pick you up at 6 in the evening . What do you say ?"

" Um..sure . "

" Ok then . See you soon. Bye "

" Bye "

Woah , what was it ? I sat on my bed , thinking it's a dream. He didn't even let me speak . But I am happy he arranged a small date . Comfy date . Atleast not a expensive restaurant where all my previous dates have taken me , showing off their luxurious lifestyle.

This is the last chance for both of us. He clearly seems to make it work. I promise myself , if I see a new Evan this time , and if he has the intention of marrying me , and accepting me as a wife , treating me like the way he should treat somone he loves , I will not back away .

Ali's POV ~
What just happened ? We were making plans . I thought we have a lot to talk about . But I am glad he did not waste a single time . Evan has changed too . He has become a better person . And I know he doesn't need my help anymore . Matt and I looked at eachother , knowing what is going to happen.

Evan's POV ~

"Perfect. It's just a small meet up lena . It's a comfortable thing . What do you think of this Saturday ?" Am I going too fast . Will it make her uncomfortable ?

" Then I will pick you up at 6 in the evening . What do you say ?"
Am I making her uncomfortable. Oh.. why is it so hard ?

" Bye"  was I talking to myself this whole time ? She didn't even say one word properly. But maybe she is nervous .

Turning around , I saw the shocked faces of two love birds. I don't know how they found interest in eachother , but let's just say , life is unpredictable.

Hope this plan works out. 

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