When the three Sheikah arrived at the village they wore special suits for the cold due to the description of the place where the new discovery was located; Now they were in conjunction with the elder of the Rito.

They all had white and shiny hair, pale skin, the two sisters with beautiful brown eyes ​​while the man had his gaze hidden behind work glasses that he never took off, perhaps the kingdom in general didn't say it; But the Sheikah were like angels not only because of their duty to protect different regions, but because of their various beautiful aspects.

The reality was another one, the Sheikah's features varied as much as those of the other inhabitants, the tale of the ethereal beings was greatly exaggerated by the white hair.

-Young Robbie, Miss Purah and Lady Impa, welcome to my home- Kaneli greeted warmly, he was an old rito with the characteristics of an owl, his stature was quite large, perhaps the biggest rito in the village; Impa bowed with her head in response -Elder, it's a pleasure to be here, thank you for receiving us- she spoke softly.

The two scientists were silent, looking impatient to leave and immediately see what the letter described as "ancient technology" and a "Sleeping Sheikah."

-We would like to go immediately to see with our own eyes the new discovery of your General- She added -We'll go immediately so we won't be catching any blizzards- Revali spoke, he was just arriving, and crossed his wings and drew a cold expression on his face, it was noticeable a slight hate in the younger rito's voice tone -Revali, please be a little more polite with our guests, they are direct servants of the crown- said the older.

The general turned to the side, receiving the light scold in silence -Excuse my pupil, he is not very experienced yet, at 21 he has assumed an overwhelming responsibility by becoming our best archer and general, but he will learn - explained that big rito -I will be outside, we will be leaving in five minutes- Revali spoke aloud before getting out the little house-nest.

Revali went to the stairs that led to the home of the elder and he leaned against one of the wooden fences that separated the strange structure of the village with the bottom of the valley, Rito Village was constructed all around a huge rock and had several nest-like houses were the inhabitants did their daily chores, everything was so peaceful at the place that seemed like a dream.

-Hylians, Sheikah, they walk here without showing the minimum of respect, as if they were owners of these lands- he murmured. The Rito species hated the Sheikah, it was said that it was because they didn't take sides during the dispute with the zora and that caused a self-exile of their species during the twilight period in the civil war with the water species, they had so many armed disputes against them that few would believe the enormous peace they lived now.

The ancient race of the Zora won, causing the rito to self-exile because of their wounded pride, later they returned with their tails between their legs to ask for a peace agreement because no other neighboring kingdom was suitable for them. For Revali, that part of their history was humiliating, and everything would have changed if only at least one sheikah had been willing to protect them.

"We wouldn't be on a damn rock for an entire population" Revali thought angrily, after a few seconds he forced himself to take a deep breath, even if he didn't want to admit it, he felt quite proud when the crown required the services of his people or him directly: The best archer on Hyrule.

Just when he calmed down, the three Sheikah approached him, they were just leaving Kaneli's house -Mr. Revali, we are ready to follow you- said the aforementioned "Impa" with a serious expression, she was more formal than the other two companions -¿Do you have a paraglidder? ¿Octorock balloons? We talk about something that would take days to climb- asked the rito crossing his wings as if it were an iconic pose, the scientists immediately took the objects he requested from their pouches, impressing even the girl who was there to protect them.

-Science will be always prepared for any eventuality- Prunia commented with a certain mischief and a proud smile, Revali clicked his tongue in frustration, they managed to reach the top of the village were they glided over the mountains, the path was slower, that made the general impatient, quite a bit, if it were not because Kaneli asked him the task or that they were representatives of the crown he would have already left them.

They arrived at the mysterious cave at sunset, none of the three Sheikah were shivering from the cold, and if the cruel weather ever affected them then they became almost immune when they discovered the huge place, Purah was the first to run inside and slipped through the place as if it were a terrain that she knew like the back of her hand.

-Robbie! Look at this! -She exclaimed, the white-haired woman was surrounding everything that crossed her gaze, she was checking the books, notebooks, prototypes, so many things but what caught her attention was indeed that thing that looked like a chrysalis, she approached, and uncovered the transparent glass as Revali did.

Purah analyzed all of the strange figure's clothing, the fabric that was covering his/her/their face, then ... A very faint movement of the hands.

-I-I-IMPA! ROBBIE! Bring the potions and medicines! - she shouted making the other ones hurry their steps.

___ P.O.V Y/N ___

I began to hear voices, a very high and rare voice calling for other people who were approaching fast.

Some words were understood perfectly, other ones no, it was as if they spoke my language but many of their words changed, it felt ... Weird.

-This sheikah is asking for help, Purah, Look at the hands asking for help, this person is in a conscious state! It's about a millennial Sheikah in a perfectly preserved and conscious state! - exclaimed a man, the guy spoke like my father when he got excited.

-We don't know if it's a reflection, nothing more, l-let's see-

I heard knocks on a kind of glass surface ... ¿Am I inside a glass? Where am I?

-Hey! Can you hear me?-

I did understood that, I raised my finger to barely move.


- -.


I heard how the strangers screamed with excitement.

Author's Notes:

(Fourth Part! Revali did what a responsible person would do and informed his authority, Purah, Robbie and Impa were the ones sent by the crown to see with their own eyes the "antiquities", however as your language is ancient many words of that era are strange to you due to linguistic evolution)

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