Chapter 3: Araskes, The Trickster

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     I walk out of the hideout and look around for the remains of the explosion.

“Yaviks must have let the rest of them know that I'm here.” I said as I hear another explosion going off going towards Skoris Cut.

“Ok this is a trap if i’ve ever seen one.” I said as I lift off into the air and fly to Skoris Cut. Along the way I see that Thieves landing is still abandoned.

“Maybe Spider was able to keep this place empty from other people.” I said as I fly through the tunnel to Skoris Cut.

    Once I got to Skoris Cut I looked to see that it isn’t just cabal now but a few of the Scorn.

“I need to get an idea of Araskes’s whereabouts.” I start walking up to the scorn and crack my knuckles.

“Alright let's try and get something out of these guys.” I said as I got by them and they finally took notice of me. They didn’t hesitate to attack with one charging at me and the other staying back and shooting at me. I just casually dodge the bullets as I continue to walk towards them. Once the one attacking me head on got in my face he swiped at me with his blade but I shift my head to the left and dodge the attack. I reach back and grab the Scorn by it’s skirt and bring it back in front of me. I then slam it into the ground and break both of it’s arms on it’s left side. I then pick him up and bring him up and use him to block the next spray of arc bolts. They hit the one I was holding and it hurt him even more but didn’t kill him. I then throw the one I was holding at his friend. As soon as they hit each other I teleport to them and slam them into the ground. I then open my hand and aim it at them and blast them to ashes. After the blast died down I sigh.

“I got carried away.” I said as I suddenly hear an exotic engram noise.

“What the hell?” I asked as I look back and see an exotic engram.

“That’s not real. It can’t be.” I said as I grab it and it suddenly starts to tick.

“I knew it.” I said as I throw it away and throw a small orb of energy at it causing it to blow up.

“It’s a bomb, great if that were to get to the last city it would destroy it.” I said as I grabbed the scorn and looked for anything that could tell me where they were making the exploding exotics. After looking for a minute I found what I was looking for and see that it was being made right here in Skoris Cut.

“If I'm right then that big machine is what is creating the fake exotics.” I said as I start running over to it.

    I got to the big machine and look up to see the part of the machine that pretty much runs all of it. I lift up my hands and aim at the weak points and blast them both with a full powered blast. They hit the main power source and it blew the exotic engrams that were being made sky high.

“Oh no, we found our factory full of delights. If only we planned for this.” The Trickster says as she laughs through my earpiece.

“HOW ABOUT YOU PLAN FOR ME KICKING YOUR ASS!” I yell at her as I didn’t get a response.

“Fucking bitch.” I say as I start checking around Skoris Cut for anywhere that Trickster would be hiding out at.

“Well I don’t think that there is anything past where I killed Yaviks so is there another tunnel system or?” I asked myself as I suddenly remember that there is a mine of sorts in this area.

“Thank you Dad for taking notes of this place.” I said as I started jumping to the tunnel that leads to the mine.

    Once I reached the mine entrance I walk inside and jump across a broken bridge. I enter into a cave system and I knew I was in the right place. I look down and see that there was a heavy ammo brick so I focus energy to the tip of my finger and fire it at the ammo causing it to blow up.

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