Chapter 2: Yaviks, The Rider

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    After I left Spider’s place I walked down to the little area of the building right outside of Spider's door. Once I got down there I started looking around for any clues as to where I could start my hunt for Yaviks.

“Yaviks must have some sort of garage to do repairs to any vehicle that she is wanting to ride.” I said as I look around the platform and started to think of the layout of the shore.

“Well to be honest this is probably the first place that I can think of for a garage.” I said as I look over to the end of the platform and see stairs leading down.

“Oh please tell me I'm not just an idiot.” I said to myself as I run to the end of the platform and jump down to see what is below me. I hit the ground and see an opening below the platform I was on.

“Don’t say anything Curtis just go.” I said as I walk into the dark room.

    Once I got into the room I look around and because of how dark it was. I lift up my hand and create an energy ball that lights up the room a bit letting me see. What I see is that it is a garage that Yaviks uses for her personal pike and any of the other pikes that the Scorn would be using.

“Alright so this is where I should be able to get some sort of information on where Yaviks is at.” I said to myself as I was about to walk forward when I suddenly hear scurrying behind me. I pause and look around but couldn’t see anything for sure. I take another step forward and the scurrying continues as I stop again.

“Now.” I said as I generate an energy blast in my other hand and fire a sweeping blast across the room. After the blast died down I waited a few seconds for something to happen. After a few seconds the lights in the room turned on blinding me for a second. Once my eyes adjusted to the light I could fully see the garage and that it has a Fallen pike hanging from chains and seemed to be torn apart and new parts sitting around it. I walk up to the pike and get down onto my knee and take a good look at the parts.

“Wait a minute this pike’s weapons aren’t arc based like normal. But it’s a void-like weapon like some of the scorn weapons.” I picked up the old arc cannons that they removed from it in place of their own weapons. I move to the back of the pike and see that the booster is different as well.

“What did they change with the boosters?” I asked as I went up to the front of it and grab the throttle and then push the button that activated the booster. Once I pushed the button I looked behind me and see how fire blasted out of the back of it.

“Oh so now it leaves a damaging trail behind it so that could be a problem.” I said as I let go of the handle and it stops boosting.

“Well if all of the pieces around here are undamaged then that means that they are experienced with this and they all knew what they were doing so if i’m right they would do the same thing with all pikes so all of them must have the same weak points. So if I can find it here then that can give me a starting point for Yaviks since I highly doubt that she would not constantly modify her pike to make it far better than the other pikes.” I said to myself as I start looking around the pike for any points of weakness.

    After a few minutes of looking I couldn’t find anything that stood out. “Man, they really know what they're doing, they didn’t really leave any weak points.” I said to myself as I kick it and suddenly a plate fell off the side of the Pike. I looked over and see where the panel fell off and I look to see what I was looking for.

“That’s it that’s the weak point.” I said as I look and see that there is a fuel tank of sorts.

“And if i’m right.” I said as I grab the pike off of the chains. Once I got it off the chain I dragged it out the garage and out to the edge of the rock I'm on. I then toss the pike out as far as I could throw it. Once it was a far distance away from the rock I create an energy blast and throw it at the fuel tank. Once it hit it exploded and blow me back.

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