Chapter 11.5

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D- did- no- they wouldn't- Virgil said he'd never- this cannot be true "YOU SICK SUN OF A BITCH!!" Tears now forcefully streaming down my face, I just want to scream but I can't, fear creeps inside of me "better watch what your saying my love, or things won't look pretty. And you don't want that do you PASSIVE AGGRESSION" I really don't wanna go back to my old self, because that means... forgetting who and what made me change... I for once was excepted... finally, right? "Fine do whatever you want to me, I don't care anymore, just please make them remember me" I plead, I have to try something

"Fine do whatever you want to me, I don't care anymore, just please make them remember" why did I say that? Who did that to me? I recognize that voice so strongly but where did it come from? "Erm- Virge- bud, are you alright?" Thomas said concern filling with every word leaving his mouth. "Y- yeah, i just have to go to my room a second, feeling a little off, I'll finish the conversation when I've cleared my head" that was followed by 'ok's' 'stay safe kiddo' and 'hope you feel better soon' fuck! What is this? What is happening?? Why isn't nobody else getting these? "Hello Virgil" i can recognise that voice from anywhere. "Dece- Remus???? What the fuck are u doing here?!?!"

"Oh you know, just dropping in, see how your doing?"

"And why would you do that? You never do that"

"Oh- i also wanted to show you this" I got transported to the dark roam and saw Janus stand beside someone I haven't seen in such a long time "remember passive? This is them now"

I'm sat in a chair tied down with tape around my mouth to prevent my right to speak as apparently I was 'too annoying' for Janus to cope with, he sent Remus to go and get someone and I have one person in mind Virgil "now listen here, Bitch. Remus has gone to get someone that you were dating, the only difference is he will only remember you for ure past THERES no way that u would be able to make him remember you, unless you do the things I say to do. Got it? By the way this wasn't a question"

"Remember passive? This is them now" I make eye contact with Virge there's a glisten in his purple iris and a small smile from his pink lips almost a hint of relief when he sees me

Virgil's POV:
I walk up to y/n, i remember everything from we were dating to her suddenly disappearing, I'm not gonna say anything to anyone but her "would you boys mind giving me a minute?" Both Janus and Remus give me a nod that was followed by walking out in sync like they do in hospital films where the main characters dying... anyway I wait until they fully have left before undoing the tape on y/n's mouth and kissing them soft, peach toned lips "ok so the others have no idea who you are and I have a feeling that Janus and Remus have a part in this but I do and I'll figure a way to get you out of here and return to your normal self... look I don't have long to tell you but even when we were both in this part of the roam I have always knew you were the one for me, I'm gonna act like I have forgotten u but please remember this... I will never leave you, even if ure in different mind scapes to me, you will always be in mine however things may turn out... I- I really do want you to be in my future y/n"


"Times up Virgil, it's time..."

"I- I really do want you to be in my future y/n" That sentence is more than enough for me to keep going, I knew he wouldn't give up!! "I-" barely anything else could be said because deceit interrupted me, I was about to say "I- I want you in my future too Virgie, I really do but the others won't remember me" but no HE had to go and ruin that didn't he!! "Times up Virgil, it's time..." time for what?!?! With that being said Virge put the tape across my mouth and made sure it looked untouched and I had to put on an act as if I were mad but it was so hard when all I could think about was that one sentence *slap* "did you even hear me little bitch? I said-"

"No Janus I didn't! I did not hear a single word you have just said to me!" This-.. was a bad idea but who cares? I am 'passive aggression' after all

"Listen here! We are doing Thomas and the others a favor, including Virgil! We kidnapped you just so they could live a normal life again alright?!?! So DO NOT AND I REPEAT DO NOT think for a second they will remember what you are, they will only remember you as your past passive aggression" and with that said they walked away chuckling and high fiving one another like some sort of plan came together? As tears started falling down my face faster than the titanic ship sunk I remembered what Virgie said to me " I will never leave you, even if ure in different mind scapes to me, you will always be in mine however things may turn out..."

Ok woah that took a lot more longer to write than anticipated, also it's a little bit shorter by 50 more words anyway, sorry for the delay I have things coming up but because I've been isolating I've found time to fit in to write for this extra angsty chapter XD

Anyway, how are y'all enjoying this book so far? Let me know in the comment section.
Until next time,
Take it easy
Guys, gals and nonbinary pals
Peaceeeeee outttttt 🤙🏻

You are mine (Virgil X Reader) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum