Maybe she should cut herself some slack, seeing how she had learned so much. Almost lost so much. She had lost so much.

"Hey mom!" She said, voice sounding overwhelmingly happy in her own ears. Joyce turned from the stove, spatula in hand. She couldn't help but notice how surprised she looked.

"Good morning Chloe. How's Max?"

"Hungry apparently. Watch'a making?" She peered over at the stove, seeing pancakes. She realized she too was starving."Oh god. First dibs."

"I think Max has earned first dibs. Poor thing. Did she take her medicine?"

"Oh yeah she's all doped up."

"That's good I suppose- can you grab some plates? So you can take some food to your girl."

Chloe tripped, quite suddenly, her toe the poor victim of spasmodic coordination. She hopped for a minute, clutching her toe."My what?"

"Not blind, Chloe." Joyce laughed, and Chloe started to realize she was missing way more of the puzzle than she originally thought."When y'all finally reconnected, you hung around her every day. Smiled like I haven't seen you smile in years. I was worried Rachel would get jealous, but she was happy enough to be a trio. You girls crack me up and I got so worried when she called me."

Chloe stared blankly at the floor.

So there is an alternate me- just like Maxine.

"-Rachel was so frantic when she called me from your phone. At first I was surprised you were calling-"

"Well maybe I just wanted to hear your voice! You better not assume the worst when I call." She joked, heart still beating hard under her ribs."-but yeah uh, that was crazy." She lied, trying to think of a way to get more information.

"I just know she's lucky to have you both."

"We're all lucky." It slipped out, feeling relief wash over her.

I should text Rachel soon.

She grabbed two water bottles, noticing her shaky palms, and tucked them under her right arm.

They fixed plates in comfortable silence, then she thanked her mom and made her way back upstairs. Carefully balancing two plates, she balanced one on her arm while she opened the door, closing it softly.

She was greeted by Max, sprawled out, drooling.

She laughed at the sight, frozen still by the door. She sat the plates down on her table, and padded back over to her bed."Dude, it's a crime to wake someone this cute. How do you look so cute, sleeping?"

"I'm not-" She mumbled, yawning and stretching"-cute. Or sleeping- just.... resting...."

"Oh sure, totally convinced."


"May I rouse you from your slumber for some pancakes?"

Max vaulted up, woozy, swaying but managed to nod yes as she squeezed her eyes shit against the light seeping in from the window."Take it easy girl, don't pass out please." She said softly, getting the food. She sat one plate on the brunettes lap and took her own after she was situated.

All That I WantedWhere stories live. Discover now