'What do we do?' Eddie whispered, smiling nervously.

Richie looked at him and beamed, 'Just follow my lead, okay.'

'Richie! Richie! Over here!' a brunette reporter hollered, waving and thrusting a microphone into his face. 'You've got to introduce us to your new man.'

'Oh, he's definitely an old man,' Richie said quickly.

'Still younger than you,' Eddie reminded. He turned to the reporter. 'Eddie Kaspbrak. Nice to meet you.' Awkwardly, he undid and redid the buttons on his jacket.

'So what's it like dating the infamous Trashmouth?' the woman asked.

'Loud,' Eddie said. 'Our house is just constant noise.'

'Are you a Trashmouth too?' she laughed.

'I mean, Eddie brushes his teeth like six times a day, it's way too clean to be a Trashmouth.' Richie laughed.

'But I do curse like a sailor,' Eddie grimaced.

'He actually has a lot in common with sailors,' Richie snorted, and Eddie slapped his arm.

'So your last tour ended rather suddenly, Richie. Has that got anything to do with Eddie?'

Scratching the back of his neck, Richie said, 'Yeah, I guess so. I realised I didn't like the material anymore. I, uh,' he sighed, 'didn't think it really reflected who I am. Then Eddie came back into my life and I've been able to come forward and write a show that I'm really proud of.'

Eddie beamed at him. It wasn't often that Richie took the opportunity to be serious. He was proud of him for giving an honest answer.

'Hold on, did you say that Eddie came back into your life?' she repeated. 'Is there more to your story that our readers don't know?'

Eddie glanced at Richie, who gave an encouraging nod. 'We actually grew up together.'

'Wow. What was the Trashmouth like as a boy?'

Eddie sighed, 'He has barely changed. His jokes are still just as terrible now as they always were. As is his fashion sense.'

'Well, I think you look dapper tonight, Richie.' The reporter insisted.

'That's because I picked out the suit,' Eddie grinned.

'He's right,' Richie jerked his head at Eddie, 'I have dreadful taste.'

They laughed together as the reporter gave a few parting platitudes and sent them on inside.

'You're a natural,' Richie shook his head. 'I should have known you would be.'

'Why?' Eddie asked.

'Because you're such a little bitch,' Richie said honestly.

'You bring it out in me,' Eddie assured.

Richie barely noticed who won a single award that evening. All he could feel was euphoria, as Eddie slapped Richie's thigh when he laughed, as Eddie tweaked the sleeves of his suit in anticipation of the nominees, as Eddie cheered the winners with a great smile on his face. 

They took the car home with Bill and Audra, waved their goodbyes from the pathway leading up to their house. As Eddie used his key to let them inside, Richie leaned up against the porch and considered for the millionth time just how lucky he was.

Eddie went straight into the bedroom, hollering about how his feet ached and he couldn't wait to get out of the suit.

Richie went to the kitchen, looking at the fridge magnet holding up the two duplicate streams of photobooth pictures they had taken in their teens. He peeked at the underside at the R+E and smiled. Then he poured himself and Eddie a glass of water.

The rest of the kitchen had been edited by Eddie's influence. All the utensils were neatly organised and in the same colour. There was a calendar on the wall. He'd replaced Richie's dishwasher fluid with 'the good stuff'. There were never crumbs on the counters, there were never plates left on the side.

The bathroom was the same. Eddie's hair products took up an entire row in the bathroom cabinet. There was a first aid kit underneath the sink. He had a regimented skincare regime which he suggested Richie also follow. Richie had protested at first, but he did like how soft his beard was now. There was even a window squeegee in the shower to wipe the water from the glass so that it didn't streak. Richie always forgot to use it.

Richie smiled at his reflection in the mirror and began to brush his teeth.

Eddie came out of the bedroom in tube socks so that his feet didn't get cold on the bathroom tiles. He was wearing pyjama shorts that were too short and one of Richie's old shirts. His hair was still immaculate, but there were dark circles under his eyes. He yawned as he came into the bathroom.

'Did you have a good night in the end?' Richie asked, finishing with his teeth.

Eddie started brushing his. 'I did. I'm exhausted now though.'

Richie quickly went to the bedroom to disrobe. He called out to Eddie, 'Guess what we're doing tomorrow?'

Eddie moaned, the toothbrush hanging from his lip, as Richie returned in his boxer shorts. 'Oh God. What?'

Richie came up behind him, 'Nothing,' he said dreamily.

Eddie cocked an eyebrow, 'I thought you were going to say each other.'

Richie smirked, 'Well, that's a given.'

Eddie finished brushing his teeth. He sluiced with mouthwash. He flossed. Then he turned around to Richie and kissed him. 'It's going to be so nice to do nothing with you.'

Richie ran his hands down Eddie's arms, 'We can stay in bed until midday.'

'And have vanilla ice cream for breakfast.' Eddie started to walk towards the bedroom.

'And popcorn for dinner,' Richie followed him.

Eddie flopped down onto the duvet, 'And watch scary movies.'

'And not get dressed all day,' Richie climbed on top of him.

'I mean, we should probably shower,' Eddie screwed up his nose.

Richie kissed his collarbone. 'Doesn't mean we have to get dressed.'

Eddie hummed, 'That sounds like a good day.'

Richie smiled, then pressed his lips to Eddie's. 'It really does.'

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