Chapter 37 - Jesse

Start from the beginning

"Definitely! I miss seeing him in person! Text me about twenty minutes before you get back. Wouldn't want you walking in and seeing anything," I reply with a wink.

Chase shrieks and scrunches up his nose. "Oh my gosh! Keep it in the bedroom! Not in the shared spaces!"

I chuckle at the horrified note in his voice before leaving to turn off the oven.

I decided to cook for Bryan since he refuses to let me pay for anything. There were only three dates out of many that I managed to convince him to let me pay.

However, he has been getting much better at letting me chip in because by now, he has realized that I'm adamant on contributing financially to our dates. So, the last time I told him I was paying, he pouted and grumbled a little but let me foot the bill.

The next few minutes are spent with me making some toss salad to eat with the lobster. This was my third time making lobster and it came out even better than the previous times. I'm pairing that with the baked potatoes as well as the tossed salad, and for dessert, I made a Baileys cheesecake. I also made a strawberry cheesecake for Chase since he doesn't like Baileys and he's already eaten more than half of it.

Once I'm finished setting the table, I hurry back to my room and change into an all black, patterned trousers and a fitted, black dress shirt. I wrestle with my messy blonde hair for a few minutes before giving up and leaving it in its natural unruly state. "Don't you look dashing!" Chase exclaims. I turn around to find him leaning against the doorframe. "Jesse?" Chase asks after a moment.

"Yes, baby bro?" I reply and join Chase who has moved to sit on the edge of my bed.

He fidgets with the rainbow wristband on his arm for a second before speaking. "Do you think Mike and those guys will be found guilty? What if after all of this, they aren't found guilty."

Chase's lawyers, Dean and Samantha, were successful in getting all of the restraining orders but Mike and the other guys all pleaded not guilty to the charges when they were arrested. Dean called us with an update this morning and also stated that the court is in the process of deciding whether or not they will be granted bail while the lawyers prepare for the first hearing.

For the first time, I am completely stumped about how to answer Chase. Instead I just squeeze him into a hug. "We'll just have to trust in Dean and Samantha's abilities," I whisper after a minute. I don't know how else to comfort him and I feel Chase nodding against my shoulder.

Chase pulls away after a little while and gives me a sad smile. He shakes his head as if forcing the negative thoughts out of his head. "I don't want to be sad today," he mumbles just as the doorbell rings.

"If you don't want to go with Diego we can both cancel and stay in?" I can see his emotional turmoil as he tries to figure out what he wants to do. Melancholy changes to hesitation which morphs into resolve and with that Chase gets up off the bed and walks to the door with me trailing behind.

He takes a deep breath and plasters a smile on his face. Although it's barely noticeable, the happy looking smile has cracks of sadness peeking through. I can't help but think about that time just after he came out of the hospital and how he pretended to be alright. "Hi Diego!" Chase chirps with fake enthusiasm.

Diego's is wearing the matching pizza shirt and it warms my heart how cute these two look together. His wide, excited smile immediately falls at Chase's greeting. "What's wrong little lamb? Hi Jesse."

Chase's eyes widen at Diego's question before he breaks into a genuine smile. "Nothing now," he mumbles, looking down at his shoes. His eyes drift back up to meet Diego's still wearing a smile. "Let's go!" I smile, because this time I hear real enthusiasm in his voice.

Diego smiles but I can see the hint of concern in his eyes as he ushers Chase to the car. I hope he'll be alright but even if he isn't, I can take some comfort in the fact that he will be with Diego. Bryan shows up just as Diego is holding the door open for Chase and they talk for a few seconds while I ogle my sexy man.

He is adorned in a black and white pinstripe suit and the blazer is opened to reveal a crisp, white dress shirt. It is only buttoned halfway up, exposing his flawless, chiseled chest. He struts towards me with his emerald eyes staring into my soul and a teasing smile on his face. My tongue swipes across my lips, getting a taste of my cherry lip balm as I watch his approach. I can't wait to kiss him!

As if hearing my thoughts, he picks up his pace, and soon he is standing in front of me. "Hello, my sexy tomato," he whispers. His eyes darken with lust as his orbs drift down to my glossy lips. I don't bother responding and press my body right up against him, linking my arms around his neck and tugging him down. He obliges without hesitation and we both elicit sinful moans as our lips connect.

The urge to touch him and feel his skin against mine takes over and one of my hands travels from his neck to the inside of his shirt. A guttural moan escapes Bryan at my actions and he squeezes both my butt cheeks as he ravishes my mouth. He pushes me backwards, through the opened house door and I pull away from him when I hear the door slam behind us. "Are you hungry? I cooked for us," I say in between pants.

"Right now, you're the only thing I'm hungry for," Bryan mutters before gluing his lips back to mine. I whine when he pulls away seconds later. "If you want, we can-"

I cut off Bryan by shoving my tongue into his mouth effectively silencing him. Food can wait. Worrying about Chase can wait. The only thing that matters at this moment is this sexy beast devouring my lips.

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