A few Enforcers passed, nodding politely in my direction. I offered one of my own. It was still strange to me that I wasn't a Rogue anymore. There was still a wildness in me that lingered but I had settled. Although my wolf was a faint echo on most days, she hadn't balked when the Shadow Hunters claimed us as one of their own. We both knew that time had been ticking on our end. It was either go ballistic and shift into the one thing I loathed and feared or find a Pack to join.

Seamus had been a blessing in disguise when he'd stumbled across me that one night.

He hadn't known how far I had fallen. It still twisted my insides knowing I hadn't been far from the edge of losing hope for a better life.

It was one of the few reasons I could stand Seamus's blatant assholery.

He'd saved my future by picking me whether he was aware of it or not.

In a way, I owed him a lot.

In the distance, notes of children's laughter resonated through the air. I shivered, keeping my attention on the terrain in front of me.

I scouted the area thoroughly before it was time to meet Jamison. I was disappointed that there was nothing I had detected. The red-eyed changelings were difficult to hunt down. It was impossible considering they carried no scent.

"It's clear." I told Jamison as he walked closer. "No drunk pups either."

"Found three drunk pups." Jamison reported. "Sent another Enforcer to lead them back to the main area."

"You guys really like to celebrate the whole Full Moon thing huh?"

"It's tacky." Jamison replied, "The Alpha allows it go on because it's something that makes the old ladies happy."

"You don't celebrate yourself?"

"I don't have the time."

"Hmm, who hurt you Jamison?"

"Fuck off." The man scowled, ignoring my snort.

We found a spot to take up position as we kept an eye out for any suspicious activity.

"And how about you?"

I blinked from surprise, startled by the hint of curiosity in his eye. "You want to know what I think of the Full Moon?"

"Is there anyone else here talking to you?"

"Nope, just a stiff Enforcer."

"Forget it. I prefer the silence-"

"-I don't know." I sighed.

"You don't know?"

"You're talking to a former Rogue here. I never paid much attention to the whole celebration. It was only when I came here that I realised that people enjoyed making a fuss about it. It's quite magical once you think about it. Can you imagine that you might have a special person out there for you?" I turned to Jamison who could barely hold an eye roll back. I laughed, shaking my head, "I should've known this subject would bore you to tears."

Pen? This is Jude.

I cringed, filtering through all the possibilities as to why the man himself wanted to speak with me via link. I still wasn't used to hearing his voice in my head. I had almost shit myself the first time he tried to initiate contact like this. Unfortunately, Kian had been there to witness the whole ugly thing.

What can I do for you Alpha?

Come to the Pack House please. There is something that I need to discuss with you.

Girl Gone Rogue (The Shadow Hunters #2)Where stories live. Discover now