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Hey everyone! This is my new story! This is how Maria looks! Just don't mind the little potion necklace. Thank you!
Maria's POV

I walked along the forest path with Akira beside me. It's pretty dark out here and I'm getting tired. I don't know how much more of this I can take.

"Are we almost there?" I said dragging out the last letter of 'there'.

"We haven't even been walking for five minutes!" Akira said while looking at me bewildered.

"Yeah but I was fighting today! I was on a mission!" I exclaimed waving my hands up and down.

"You weren't on a mission, someone insulted you and you yelled out 'fight me!' and punched the damn man!" She corrected.

"He picked a fight with me!" I bellowed.

She sighed. "You're hopeless."

"Yeah but you love me!" I grinned.

"I guess I do, but that's besides the point here!" She screeched.

"Buzz kill." I muttered.

I'm so bored. It feels like we've been walking for ages. I can't wait to get off this stupid path. I need to find civilization. I'm hungry. I started to see lights up ahead, getting rid of the darkness of the night.

"I SEE THE LIGHT!" I yelled.

"You're too loud sometimes." Akira muttered, still loud enough for me to hear.

I looked around to see glimmering lights, pink, purple, blue, you name it. I wonder what's going on. There seems to be a festival or something. Not many people are usually out this late.

I looked up and saw a banner. "Hanesuki Fesitival, eh? Sounds fun!" I grinned.

"Oh yes, I've heard about it. It takes place in Magnolia. It's supposed to be something really big and grand. Good think we came here at the right time!" Akira laughed.

"Sounds awesome." I said giving off a mischievous smile.

"Oh no... I know that look! What are you planning?" My partner questioned nervously.

I simply smiled at her and pointed towards the food place I saw.

"MARIA WAI-" she didn't get to finish her sentence and I was already running towards the food place.

"AGH!" I screamed as I basically flew right into someone.

I was up right away. I saw a guy with long black hair and metal piercings in his face. He was a lot taller than me since I was five foot six and he was probably around six foot one.

"WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING!" We both yelled at eachother.

"You have a lot of guts talking like that to me." I said sassily.

"Excuse me? Who looks more menacing here? Pretty sure it's not you!" He said.

"What did you say metal-face?!" I screeched.

"You heard me red-eyes!" He retaliated.

"Shut up! Your eyes are red too!"

"Yeah but I can pull it off!"

I looked around and saw Akira giving me a blank look. I noticed a panther type cat thing was giving metal-face the same look.

"HE STARTED IT!" I said, accusingly pointing at him, whilist still looking at Akira.

She sighed. "I was right, you are hopeless."

I huffed and turned to face the guy again. He was standing there with a stupid smirk on his face.

"Well aren't you a special one. Picking a fight with me. You're all talk here, Princess." He said, still smirking.

"Rub that stupid smirk off your face. I can take you on in a battle any day." I said and starting smirking also.

"Let me see you try."

"Okay then. Let's go." I pointed to a large open space, probably meant for battles.

The town has significantly cleared up. There's not too many people left so this fight should be easy.

What this stupid metal-face doesn't know, is that I use more than one magic. I was taught more than one at a very young age by more than one teacher. About 5 teachers total to be precise. It's funny how he thinks he'll win. A fight not only requires strength and power, but also required knowledge and strategy. This fool is in for a real surprise.

We made it to the open space and got ready.

"Before we start, what's your name?"

"Maria." I answered simply.

"My name is Gajeel. Remeber that name because I'm going to beat you!" He yelled.

"Highly unlikely, but hit me with your best shot." I said simply.

"IRON DRAGON ROAR!" He attacked right away.

I jumped up, flipped and landed perfectly on the ground.

"Not too bad. Not bad at all. My turn."

"LIGHT GOD'S MIGHTY BELLOW!" I yelled, the attack coming out of my mouth and hitting him right on.

I guess I'm going to only use my God slaying magic for this round.

I saw Gajeel on the ground. I might have gone a little overboard. I'm just as destructive as the council says I am. I get jobs done though, so whatever.

"IRON DRAGON'S CLUB!" He tried to hit me.

I was too fast and ended up catching his iron... arm?

"You're fast, but not fast enough." I smirked.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!" A loud voice yelled.

I turned to see a older man. He was very short and he looked really mad.

"Oh we're just fighting it out a little. Sorry old man." I grinned.

"I am Fairy Tail's master, Makarov. Who are you and why are you battling with Gajeel?" He questioned.

"My name is Maria Night. Other wise known as Light Blade to the council and such." I said with a smile.

I let Gajeel's iron arm go and walked over to the Master of Fairy tail.

I felt and heard Gajeel running towards me. Once he was close enough I spun around and punched him, knocking him out.

The Master looked astonished for a second then smiled.

"It really is you, Light Blade, or Maria Night. You seem to be as strong as my S-class mages." He said.

"Well, I did learn from the best teachers. For a while it's been Akira and I, just causing destruction while on jobs. That's why the council knows me so well." I laughed.

He looked down and saw Akira. Akira, the originally medium sized tiger that could change size, and sprout wings.

"I have a request. Tommorrow, come and take a look around my guild. If you like what you see, you may join." He smiled.

"What do you say Akira?" I looked at her.

"Sounds good. We'll be there." She spoke.

"What am I supposed to do with him?" I pointed at the knocked-out Gajeel.

"PantherLily will take him home." Master Makorov said.

I looked over and saw the same Panther cat thing from before picking up Gajeel and flying away after he had said goodbye to Akira and I.

Master Makorov and I said goodbye and I went to an inn to stay the night.

I layed on the bed with Akira by my side.

"This is going to be one hell of an adventure." I muttered.

I heard Akira tiredly agree with me. We said good night to eachother and drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

THERE'S THE FIRST CHAPTER. I hope you like it. Comment and Vote! Thank you<3

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