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VIOLET followed closely behind Miguel as they hurried towards the town hall. Yesterday, she'd nearly gotten whiplash from seeing Demetri and Yasmine making out in a school hallway, and then later found out the city was trying to cancel the All Valley.

Obviously, one of them was a little more concerning.

Faintly, from behind the door, Violet heard someone say, "You gentlemen have made an excellent case today as to why this tournament should not continue."


Everyone in the room turned to look at Violet and Miguel, who were slowly making their way down the stairs. Miguel was making sure Violet didn't take a wrong step and fall, since she was still getting used to walking.

"My name is Miguel Diaz," Miguel said.

"And my name is Violet Huang," Violet spoke, trying to ignore the many eyes boring into her. "We were in the school fight, and I was the one that got kicked off the second floor. I-I thought I was gonna be paralyzed for the rest of my life, but I relearned how to stand, I relearned how to walk, and I want the tournament to continue."

"We are very happy for your recovery, young lady, but I'm afraid you don't understand—"

Sam stood up, cutting Councilperson Roberts off.

"Yes, she does," she started, walking closer to Miguel and Violet. "We're the ones getting hurt. We're the ones fighting. Our voices should matter the most, and we want a place where we can compete, fairly and safely."

"When I first moved here, I was bullied," Miguel added on. "I realized there's no escaping it. Some kid will always want to steal your lunch money, give you a wedgie, or a swirlie."

"A swirlie?" Councilperson Roberts cut in, confused.

"When you dunk someone's head in the toilet and flush it," Johnny answered, standing up. "Pretty funny, actually."

"Sensei," Miguel whispered, giving him a warning look.

"I was bullied for years," Violet told the council. "I didn't have any friends until I met Miguel, and I wasn't able to stand up for myself until I started karate. So, instead of burying your heads in the sand, pretending that bullying doesn't exist, or that you can get rid of it, you need to teach kids how to defend themselves."

"Physically and mentally," Sam added, "because sometimes the scars you can't see are the ones that hurt the most."

"Karate is about discipline, it's about inner strength, it's about confidence, lessons you can use for the rest of your life," Miguel continued on. "Look, I don't know where I would be today, or who I would be today, if it wasn't for my sensei. We don't need this tournament to do cool kicks or sell tickets, we need it to show the bullies of the world that we're not afraid. It's called the 'All Valley' because it's for everyone, to give everyone the chance to show what they can do, to fight, to become a champion. And we deserve that chance."

Violet held her breath as she watched the council exchange looks with each other.

"To be honest, I don't get the Valley's fascination with karate. But, if it means that much to all of you, and you're willing to sign waivers stating that the city is not liable, then . . . the All Valley Under-18 Tournament is officially back on."

Violet smiled widely, and hugged Sam and Miguel in celebration.

They did it.

They saved the tournament.

"So, the tournament's back on?" Demetri asked over the phone.

"Yep," Violet answered proudly. "It was actually kind of terrifying, though. I'm pretty sure I almost passed out at one point."

"Well, good thing that didn't happen. That wouldn't have looked too good."

"Yeah, can you imagine? 'My name is Violet Huang, and I want the All Valley to continue bec—" Violet then pretended to pass out and flopped back on her couch. Demetri laughed loudly.

"And the—"

Demetri's sentence was cut off by a loud crashing noise on the other side of the wall. Violet jumped.

"What was that?"

Violet stared at the wall in concern.

"I have no idea . . . I'm hoping Sensei just dropped something."

"What if he died or something?"

Violet paused, then shook her head.

"Nah, he wouldn't die that easily. He probably just knocked something off the wall again."

𝘛𝘙𝘖𝘜𝘉𝘓𝘌. Eli MoskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now