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VIOLET hated school.

Kids were ruthless, especially to people like her, who couldn't even look most people straight in the eyes when talking to them. It was incredibly stupid that she was bullied for her acne when it was something other students had as well, but out of all of them, she was the easiest target.

And kids like Kyler and Brucks, well, they found some sick, twisted joy in pummeling other people's confidence into the ground.

But now, Violet disliked it a little less thanks to Miguel. Instead of feeling alone constantly, she now had someone that she could walk with and talk to. Now, though, was the part she was just as clueless as Miguel on: Lunch.

Violet only ever went into the cafeteria to buy her food. After an incident where Kyler "accidentally" dropped his lunch on her head, she decided that spending the lunch period in one of the small bathroom stalls was preferable. It didn't do much to help her friend situation, but up until this moment, she had been too afraid to take any chances.

"Where do you think we should sit?" she asked the lanky boy quietly. Miguel shrugged, scanning the room and stopping on a mostly empty table, holding only two boys Violet vaguely knew because from some of her classes.

"There?" he asked, looking for her approval. Violet only nodded and followed behind him. "Is it cool if we sit here?"

The two boys' heads shot up at the sound of Miguel's voice, both looking rather shocked that someone was genuinely talking to them.

"Ooh, sorry, table's really blowing up right now," the one Violet knew as Demetri said sarcastically. "I can put you two on the wait list, but it's probably next semester at the earliest."

Miguel, not catching the boy's sarcasm, mumbled an "Okay" and started to walk off.

"No, I'm kidding," Demetri stopped him. "Sit."

"Miguel," Miguel introduced himself.

"Demetri," Demetri then gestured to the boy next to him; A boy Violet had taken to staring at from afar in classes. He'd even caught her staring a few times, much to her embarrassment. "This is Eli. He's a man of few words."

The three suddenly turned their gazes to the Chinese girl, and her heart rate increased. Taking a deep breath, she almost inaudibly muttered, "Violet."

Violet cursed herself silently. She hated that she had such a hard time speaking up to new people. Her voice was naturally on the softer side, but she had been working on it with Johnny (you can't be badass if no one can hear you!). But at Eli's shy stare, all her progress had been thrown out the window.

Just then, two of West Valley High's popular girls, Yasmine and Samantha LaRusso, strutted by. Miguel was entranced by Sam.

"Dude, don't torture yourself. Those are the rich girls," Demetri told Miguel.

"Do you ever talk to them or . . . ?"

Violet stared at Miguel, wondering if he was serious or not. People like them did not get on with Yasmine's little clique. That would've been like asking if they played basketball with Kyler during their free time.

"Oh, yeah, all the time. We hang out after school. Make out, give each other hand jobs," Demetri drawled, thinking along similar lines to Violet. "Eli here is the homecoming king. Gets laid more than anyone. Isn't that right, Eli?"

Eli smiled, and Violet could've sworn her heart melted and swelled simultaneously. It was the cutest thing she'd ever seen, and she wished he did it more often.

She hadn't realized that she was staring straight at him until he made eye contact with her; They flushed red and turned away, both wondering if the other thought they were weird. It was unfortunate that Violet never caught Eli sneaking glances at her during class, and that Eli assumed that she was staring at him because of his scar.

Demetri scoffed, continuing his mini-rant, "Talk to them? You realize what table you're sitting at, right? You've pretty much signed away all hopes of losing your virginity before college," he paused, his eyes quickly flickering between Violet and his silent friend, "Actually . . ."

"Oh, shit, Yasmine's looking at us," Eli spoke timidly. "Probably just making fun of me."

Violet turned her gaze towards at the popular girls' table, and sure enough, Yasmine was staring right at them, snickering to her friends. Apparently, it wasn't just Eli Yasmine had her eyes set on to make fun of, because only a second later she not-so-subtly jabbed her thumb right at Violet, once again laughing with her friends.

The dark-haired girl shrunk into her seat, suddenly finding the table more interesting.

Eli stared at the girl from the corner of his eye; He felt bad for her. She was probably one of the only people at the school that remotely understood how he felt. Sure, Demetri was bullied, but it wasn't for how he looked.

Demetri didn't loathe his reflection, or have the hateful words heard all too often ringing in the back of his mind, Eli thought, wondering once again why it had to be him born with cleft lip, and why the kids around them were so cruel.

Mustering as much braveness as he could, Eli reached out and patted Violet's arm, sending her a hesitant smile. Her expression softened, sending one right back.

"I don't think she's making fun of you," Miguel said, breaking Violet and Eli's eye-contact. "I mean, just because they're hot doesn't mean they're mean."

The Asian girl scoffed quietly, rolling her eyes. He had a point. Just because someone was pretty didn't mean they were horrible, but those girls were certainly not talking about shoes. It was obvious that they were laughing at them.

"I don't care if Yasmine is the meanest girl at school. I'd kill all three of you just to get her to spit in my face," Demetri stated, somewhat proudly.

Violet scrunched her nose in disgust.

"Yeah, well, if you don't make a move, you're never going to have a shot with her," Miguel pointed out.

"True, but I'll also never suffer a humiliating rejection," Demetri shrugged. "I'm at peace with my depression. Last thing I need to be is suicidal."

Miguel's chair screeched as he suddenly stood up.

"What are you doing?" Violet asked, eyes wide.

"Striking first."

Although part of her wanted to face palm and call Miguel an idiot, Violet also admired his courage. Maybe she should follow Miguel's example, instead of pining from afar.

Or from right beside him.

After all, didn't Sensei say it was a way of life?

Demetri groaned, "Oh, shit, I hope we don't get hit with the shrapnel."

Only moments later, a defeated-looking Miguel returned to his seat after Kyler sat down next to Sam.

"So how'd it go?"

"Shut up, Demetri."

𝘛𝘙𝘖𝘜𝘉𝘓𝘌. Eli MoskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now