thirty three

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"I can't believe you're a junior now," Judy Huang said with a bittersweet smile.

"Mom," Violet whined, slightly impatient. It was sweet at first, but after hearing it about ten times, it got a little repetitive.

Violet understood where her mom was coming from, though; Her only daughter was entering her junior year of high school. It was understandable that she got a little sad.

"I know, I know. You want to see your friends," Judy pressed a kiss to her daughter's cheek. "Have a good day, sweetheart. I want to hear all about it when I get home!"

"Okay, bye, mom. Love you!" Violet waved, getting out of the car.

Judy waved, then drove off.

After finding her locker for the year and shoving her textbooks in, Violet pressed Johnny's contact. It went to voicemail.

"Hey, Sensei," Violet started. "I think I'm gonna take you up on your offer— Not the beating Hawk's ass one. I just need an adult to talk to, and my mom's been extra busy lately. So, when you get the chance, call me back. Or knock on my door, since I live right next to you . . . Uh, yeah. That's all. Bye."

During first period, the morning announcements started, just like any other year. Talking about upcoming school musicals, treating your peers kindly, and—

"— Hey, you're not supposed to be in here!"

"I don't care, move!" a muffled voice demanded.

Violet and Demetri, who were both currently in pre-calculus, shared a puzzled look.

"Give that back! Ow!" the announcer lady shouted. "You're not allowed to—"

The speakers cut off, crackled, then:

"Samantha LaRusso," a voice said dangerously.

It was Tory.

"I know what you did, and now you're gonna pay for it. I'm coming for you, bitch!"

Violet's stomach dropped. There was no way they were about to do this at school.

As soon as the bell rang, everyone hurried out of their classes and to the center of the school, where Sam and Tory were already circling each other.

"I saw what you did at the party," Tory spoke up angrily. "You kissed Miguel."

Sam opened and closed her mouth, but no noise came out. She couldn't deny it; It was true.

Tory lunged forward, attempting to punch Sam and yanked her back by her backpack. She kicked the girl into Hawk and some other Cobras, who pushed her back towards Tory.

"Get back in there!" Hawk yelled.

Tory continued punching and kicking Sam, eventually throwing her into the lockers. Mid-punch, Robby ran in and threw Tory off Sam, which honestly surprised Violet.

Miguel turned the corner, and only seeing Robby with his hand on Tory, let out a furious yell.


Miguel tackled Robby off Tory. Violet jumped back as they landed near her feet.

"Hey, man, we gotta do something," Chris said to Demetri. Violet nodded in agreement.

"Good idea," Demetri patted Chris's back. "I'm gonna get a teacher."

He ran off, leaving Violet and Chris on their own.

Only a second later, Hawk yelled out, "OH, IT IS ON!"

"God damnit," Violet muttered frustratedly. Almost everyone that knew how to fight was taking part by now.

𝘛𝘙𝘖𝘜𝘉𝘓𝘌. Eli MoskowitzUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum