twenty eight

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VIOLET still hadn't talked to Hawk about him threatening Demetri. She planned on doing it in the morning, but when he called her he sounded so excited; She didn't want to ruin the mood.

So, she didn't mention it.

Now, the girl was sitting across from Mitch and Chris in the waiting room of a tattoo parlor. All Violet knew was that he was getting some "improvements," as he called it.

Violet visibly brightened when Hawk walked out. Mitch and Chris thought it was cute. The only thing they actually liked about Hawk was his girlfriend (not that either of them had the guts to say that out loud). It was only because she was actually nice to them. And knew their names.

Hawk had his shirt off, and Violet could see that he had a new tattoo over his heart. When she neared him, she realized that it was a bouquet of violet flowers.

She gently traced it with her finger and stared at him in awe. Violet knew that he'd been struggling with toxic masculinity recently, so him getting a tattoo of flowers, something he viewed as feminine, for her? It warmed her heart.

"You didn't," she said faintly, giving him heart eyes that made him melt.

"I did, Princess. All for you."

Violet smiled and pulled him into a gentle kiss.

"Hey, asshole twins, grab my bag. We're out," Hawk ordered, his face now tough.

"Oh, my God. Yasmine has the same bikini as me," Moon laughed.

Aisha rolled her eyes, "Tell her she can stay in France."

Moon, Aisha, Tory, and Violet were all sitting at a table together at Applebee's. Miguel was, once again, sitting by himself, and Chris and Mitch were sitting at another table by themselves.

Violet squeezed her way out of her seat so she could catch up with her boyfriend, who just returned from the restroom.

He wrapped a protective arm around Violet as soon as she arrived at his side. There was a deep frown on Mitch's face, something Violet noticed.

"What's wrong?" she asked in concern. Hawk eyed Mitch as well.

Mitch shook his head, "Something you guys should see."

He handed over his phone; There was a lengthy Yelp review, and Violet could tell right away that it didn't say the nicest things about their dojo.

"Very unprofessional sensei . . . Does not take into account safety or personal boundaries . . . Facility in need of a major face-lift," Hawk read, getting angrier by the second. "Who the hell does this guy think he is?"

When Hawk clicked on the user's profile, Violet was unsurprised to see that it was Demetri. The dark look on Hawk's face worried her, though.

"Come on," he told Chris and Mitch. "Let's go."

"Where are you going?" Violet asked anxiously. He didn't answer. "Eli, where are you going?"

"Nowhere," he snapped.

Violet raised her eyebrows at him.

Hawk sighed, pecking his girlfriend's lips. "Don't worry about it, alright?"

And so for the second time, Violet let Eli go.

Violet didn't hear from Hawk for the next few hours. Her phone buzzed, and she hoped that it would've been her boyfriend, but it wasn't. It was Demetri.

Violet, I'm really sorry. I've been
contemplating on whether or not
I should tell you because I know
how happy you and Eli are, but I
think you deserve to know. He tried
to attack me today at the mall over
a Yelp review I left for Cobra Kai
(sorry about that, by the way). And I
know that he didn't plan on telling
you because he threatened to come
after me (big surprise) if I told you,
as if you wouldn't find out eventually.

𝘛𝘙𝘖𝘜𝘉𝘓𝘌. Eli MoskowitzWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt