Woken Up

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Once I had woken up from that dream-or nightmare- I started questioning why I even had a dream like that. Merula and I were probably more than friends, but why did I have a dream about Yona Moor and the Gryffindor girls making fun of us? Why did Yona say I was cheating on Merula with Penny?
It was time for breakfast, and I realized it would be best to stop thinking for now.
I got in my robes and went up to the Great Hall for breakfast. Merula was sitting at the Slytherin table alone.
"Hey, Snyde," I walked up to her and hesitated to sit down. "Can I sit here?"
She shrugged. "Yeah, sure. Why do you wanna sit here anyway?"
"I need to ask you a question." I scooped scrambled eggs on my plate, along with toast and bacon.
"What's it?" She bit into her slice of toast, possibly wondering what would be so important.
"So... You know that Yona guy, right?" I asked, finishing putting food on my plate and sitting down.
"Yona Moor?" Merula repeated. "The fourth year in Gryffindor?"
"Yeah, him." I replied.
"What about him?"
"Er-" I realized asking her about him out of nowhere would have made sense. I decided to change the subject since we were alone. "Never mind him. Here's a more important question: why did you... Y'know... Give me that look when you were..." I made my voice a little quieter. "Holding my hand?"
Merula paused, then spoke again.
"Well... I wasn't sure you'd have liked it... I mean, we aren't anything, are we?"
"I- Well... Maybe we should talk about this in the dorm... Later." I dodged the awkward question.
"Alone." She added quickly.
"But... Y'know..." I said quietly again, quieter than all our whispers. "You always have permission to hold my hand if you'd like."
It was silent for a second, then Merula asked,
"Well then... Do I have permission now..?"
"Huh?" I had no idea what she was talking about, then I realized how dumb I was. I knew what she was talking about. "Oh- Of course you do."
I gave her my hand and smiled awkwardly. She gripped onto it and held it tightly. It was awkward. To make it less, I scooted closer to her and placed my hand on her lap. My attempt backfired and instead made it even more awkward than I could've imagined.

The next class we had was Flying Class. We went over to the training grounds and class started.

First duel (Merula Snyde x Slytherin female reader)Where stories live. Discover now