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I sat down to have dinner with my buds in Slytherin. I wanted to get out the moment Merula got up. I needed to talk to her. Something inside of me wanted it. Something inside of me felt bad for her. But mainly, something inside of me wanted her.
I scoffed down my steak and kidney pie to be ready for when Merula left.
"So anyway, that's why history of magic is the best class." Rowan said after she swallowed a bite.
"Mhm..." I was completely lost in my thoughts. What if talking to Merula went well? That would be so great... but so suckish at the same time.
It was around 8:30 PM when I saw Merula leaving the table on her own. I decided to wait until she left the hall, then chase after her. She had finally left the great hall, so it was time to go.
"Guys, I think I'll go finish all of Snape's homework," I said as I ran away from the table. "See ya!"
"But... we didn't get homework from Snape." One of the Slytherin students said.
Rowan shrugged. "(Your name) is a bit weird sometimes." Everyone agreed.
I didn't listen because I was running back to the dormitory to talk to Merula.
I got to the dormitory and stayed in there for a bit. I saw Merula sitting on one of the couches alone, looking a bit gloomy if you asked me. She wasn't doing anything at all and she was just thinking. The room was quiet other than log fire that was crackling.
"Hey, Snyde." I came up and sat next to her.
"What do you want, (last name)?" She glared at me. I was trying to be nice, so I said,
"Nothing, I just finished dinner."
"Why aren't you with your group of friends?" She asked in that Merula-Ish tone. "Don't they usually come to talk to the famous curse-breaking student?"
I laughed.
"It seems like you don't like me tonight." I knew she was angry for some reason, or she was just always mean.
"When have I ever liked you?" She asked, still thinking about whatever she was thinking about.
"Well, you did call me cute o-" I began, just to get interrupted.
"You heard that?!" She almost yelled, but decided not to draw attention to us.
"I replied, Snyde. You heard me reply to you," Had she thought I didn't hear her? I was praying that she hadn't heard me! "And you turned a bit red, didn't you?"
"Yeah, well-" She paused to think of what to say. "You blushed, too!"
"I'll admit I did," I teased and sat a bit closer to Merula. "You admitted it, too."
Merula got up and tried to walk away.
"It's only halfway through our first year," She said with her hands in fists. "Can't we talk about this maybe... Later?"
I got up to walk to my bed to lay down for a bit. "Sure, Snyde," I said as I sat on my bed. "We can talk about this anytime. Let's not have anyone else know we're talking about this."

First duel (Merula Snyde x Slytherin female reader)Where stories live. Discover now