11 | Astrid

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- The next afternoon -

I wake up and my head is pounding. What happened last night? I look around and I'm somewhere I don't know. But the couch I'm on seems so comfy. I almost just close my eyes again, but the mouth watering smell of breakfast foods brings me to my feet. But I immediately stumble back to the couch because I get dizzy. But after a few breaths, I slowly get to my feet and walk toward the smell.

It brings me to a kitchen, where a tall, blond man that is a little chubby stands in front of a stove. I hear bacon sizzle on the pan. "Good morning, Astrid." The way he says my name tells me exactly who it is.

"Shhhh. Too loud." I say putting my finger up to silence him.

"Sorry," Elliot whispers, "Good morning."

"Hello, Elliot." I say taking a seat at the dining table.

"Hey, Astrid." He says putting a plate in front of me with a tall glass of water. I have to force myself to drink the water slowly. But the food, I have no control over. I am so hungry. "How have you been?" He asks sitting next to me with a cup of coffee.

"I've been fine. You?" I say taking a big bite of toast.

"I've been good." He responds. Just then two girls come running into the room wearing princess costumes over their normal clothes, paired with little plastic tiaras. They are singing and dancing as they skip around. Elliot picks them up and kisses their foreheads. "Hey my little princesses."

"Hi daddy." They both say. Then they look at me. "Who's that?"

"That's an old friend of mine and your moms." He says putting them down.

"You're not friends anymore?" One of them says.

"We are still friends. We just haven't seen her in a long time." Elliot explains. "Astrid, this is Grace, and Juila." He says.

"Hi." Grace says.

"Hello." Julia squeaks. "Why are you eating breakfast at lunch time?" She asks me.

"Because Astrid slept in today. So for her this is breakfast." Elliot says. Then Nicole walks into the room and a dog follows behind her. Elliot gives her a kiss.

"Girls why don't you go play princess in your room?" Nicole suggests.

"Can we play in your room?" Juila asks.

"Yea! Your room is bigger and you have a princess size bed!" Grace begs.

"Yea, go on. Just clean up when you are done." Nicole says. "And take Cassy with you."

"Puppy!" They both say. Then they both run off and the dog follows.

"How are ya feelin' champ?" Nicole asks sitting at the table next to me.

"Like crap." I answer, drinking some water.

"I bet. You look it too." She says as Elliot puts a glass of water in front of her.

"Yea, yea." I say waving them off as I shove some eggs into my mouth.

"So, how is life back living with your parents again?" Elliot asks.

"It was good until my father saw my tattoo." I say.

"Yea, I was looking at that. It looks cool." Elliot says.

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