2 | Damon

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I take the woman's arm again and when I tighten my grip she grunts. "Alright! I'm done. I'm done!" She shouts.

All the boys are laughing under their breath. A bruise is already forming on my brother, Josh's face. I told him not to ride that big bike. But he didn't listen to me. Told ya so Joshy.

He stands up as straight as he can. "I'm so sorry. I can fix it in two hours. I know a place." He says.

"Sounds swell." She rolls her eyes.

"I'll call for a tow." Josh offers getting out his phone. "I'm Josh." He adds.

"Okay." She answers.

I chuckle, and Josh shoots me a look. Then he shakes his head in embarrassment. He then puts the phone to his ear and says that they will be a few minutes. But she just turns away.

Jane Doe walks off to the lake and looks in it. Stands there for a little bit and then walks back. She goes to her car and grabs her phone, and leans against her car scrolling through it.

The gang and I huddle together, all laughing at how Josh got knocked out by a random girl. He just stares at the ground with his cheeks all red. My brooding friends all bet on whose bike she is going to ride back on.

After about ten minutes the tow truck pulls up and hooks Jane Doe's car up to it. She grabs out a leather jacket out of it and puts it on. And the way she pulls her long hair out from the back almost makes my knees weak. Damn. She is gorgeous. Lord. What is wrong with me?

We all get onto our bikes.

"You want to ride with me, Sweet cheeks?" Joey offers, licking his lips. We laugh, but she doesn't.

"I'm just gonna take this one." She says picking up Josh's three-hundred-seventy pound bike like it's nothing and sits on it.

Josh looks to me for help but I just laugh. "Are you sure? That is one heavy bike." say to her.

Her eyes narrow at me, "I'm sure."

"Okay." I shrug to Josh.

The tow pulls out and Josh sits behind Allen. "There is a helmet in the back." Josh says trying to be helpful.

"No need." She says sliding down a pair of aviators to cover her eyes. She starts up the bike and speeds away following the tow truck. Both her and the tow are speeding down the road.

She looks so attractive. Her back it arched, knees tight to the sides of the large bike. She doesn't have a helmet on so her hair flies out of the loose pony it was once in and now flows freely with the wind.

The tow pulls ahead fast, and she follows behind. I pull up next to her and look at her. She sneers at me and speeds ahead. But I'm persistent and pull up to her again. She looks at me, then behind her, then in front of me. Then there is a loud purr of the engine and she speeds up to me as we are side to side.

My eyes are locked on her, and I don't notice when her foot reaches to my bike and hits the lower brakes and it slows my bike down for her to go ahead.

"Two can play at that game!" I shout.

"And I'm winning!" She shouts back.

I speed up to her one last time just so I can get even. But she lays on her front brakes and tips forward putting us all in shock. It goes in slow motion. She is one amazing woman.

She sits back and says, "Still winning." with dead yet amused eyes. I hear laughs behind us and I don't even feel embarrassed.

We soon pull up into the shop and I watch as her shoulders tense up when she looks up to the Grey Mechanics sign. Even though she is visibly nervous she continues in and parks the bake. When she gets off he adjusts her jacket and hair, combing through it with her fingers. The rest of us park more toward the exit and we all walk into the shop. Jane Doe seems a little tight, and observant of her surroundings. She almost seems scared.

"I'll sign your car in, and begin to work on it." Josh says nervously.

She just nods her head still looking around. The shop is empty so she wanders around. But I keep a close eye on her. Something seems off about her. "Joey." I say. He walks over to me. "Keep that girl in your sights." I order silently.

"Yes, boss." He answers. 

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