Chapter 28

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Bucky's POV

Y/N had headed upstairs to get a movie, I was in charge of the popcorn and drinks. I sat on the couch, she had been up there a while. I heard the stairs creak.

"Y/N everything ok?" I called.

"Yep just going to talk to Happy real quick." She had called back. I wondered what she needed to talk to Happy about.

After about 20 minutes I figured I better go check on her. I got up and headed to Happy's room

"Hey everything ok?" I had walked in to only find Happy.

"Yeah everything is good in here. Whats wrong?" Happy said pausing his movie.

"Well Y/N said she was coming to talk to you." I said really confused.

"No she never came to me. Is everything ok with you?" Happy asked looking concerned.

I ran upstairs and looked through every room trying to find Y/N. I was starting to panic so I ran into Tony's office with an A.I computer.

"SHIRLEY show me all you have on Y/N in the past hour."

"Absolutely Mr. Barnes." The computer pulled up video footage of Y/N being held at gun point and taken in a van outside the house. Loki had warned that someone would be coming after her.

"FUCK!" I grabbed my phone and dialed Tony.

"Hey Bucky, how's the honeymoon and house working out for you?"

"Um well it was fine until y/n got kidnapped by some people."

"Oh shit. Will be right over." Tony hung up and I went to my room and started gathering my knifes and guns.

Your POV

It felt like you were driving for hours until the van finally stopped. "Lets go."

You were taken out the van and lead into a very sketchy looking house. You prayed that Bucky had discovered you missing by now. You were scared for not just your safety but your baby's.

The lead you in and strapped you into a metal chair with metal cuffs. One that is hard for you to escape out of.

They hooked up a computer to you, and added a few tubes for draining your blood. You moved you arms enough to where they had trouble sticking the needle in your skin. You kicked up and knocked the scientist out. They then tied down your legs to the chair. 

One of the guards came up and punched you in the face, pain shot through you. You recovered and fought back again, using what little movement you had. The guard hit you three times before you stopped fighting back, they used that time to insert the needle into your veins.

They drew blood, you being a super solider your blood replenished fast, you were filling bags left and right. After the 6th bag you started to feel oozy and light headed. You were trying to stay awake. The started to go for the 7th bag, that's when everything went black.


Bucky's POV

Tony arrived a few hours later, that jet must have been going 300 miles an hour. I didn't think that was possible. I headed onto the jet and met Tony and Steve. Sam, Clint, and Nat were sitting on the sides.

"Ok according to the tracker in her bracelet, she is about 50 miles north in the middle of nowhere." Tony said moving things on the tablet. The cargo door shut and the jet took off.

"Well get her Buck." Steve reassured as he put his hand on my shoulder.

"She's my light, I already lost her once, I cant lose her again." I was anxious to find her, if anything were to happen to her I would blame myself and go crazy.

After about 20 minutes Tony said he was landing the jet away from the house in a near by field. The six of us filed out and headed to the compound. Sam took the skies with Tony.

Sam sent red wing to knock out the guards around the building. "Its clear for entry." He called over the headpiece.

Sam, Steve and I headed in through the back, Tony, Nat and Clint took the front. I headed downstairs with my gun ready, it led me to a room with computers and medical supplies. I noticed Y/N strapped in a chair passed out. She had blood bags surrounding her.

I knocked out the few guards and scientist in the room. Nat went over to Y/N and undid all the wires, bandaging her up were the needles had gone in. She was so pale when I walked up to her. I lifted her up and carried her out bridal style. Nat and Steve covered me as we went out.

We got her to the jet putting her on a gurney. She didn't look as pale as she had been. The super solider serum was keeping her alive. I sat near her holding her hand the ride back to the compound.

When we got there we had called Steven Strange to come and help get her hooked up in the hospital bed. She got a blood transfusion to help with the blood loss. He bid me farewell when she was stable. I laid on the couch next to her bed and fell asleep.

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