Chapter 14

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You wake up strapped down to a chair. You look around and see torture devices and computers. There were wires running from the computer to your head, arms, and stomach. You started to freak out a little. You noticed that Bucky's necklace and the bracelet were still on. You let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh good. You are awake. I'm sorry for having to do this but I really need someone to carry out my plan. You will do great. We will first give you a stronger dose of the super solider serum."

A scientist you have never seen before walked up and pushed a syringe with a blue liquid into one of the tubes in your arm. It burned your veins as it traveled through your body. You whimpered at the pain it caused.

"Its a subtle type of serum. One that will go undetected. You will do great things for us Y/N. I wasn't on board with torturing you but it must be done if I am to destroy the Avengers."

The scientist began typing things in on the computer. "Sir. The recalibration is almost ready."

"Zemo please don't do this." You pleaded, you looked into his eyes, and saw nothing but darkness.

"Sorry darling. But in order for you to be the best you can be. I have to wipe and reprogram your brain."

Next thing you knew a mask came over your face attaching to you and you felt a sharp pain.


It was the day you were first being introduced to the avengers, Tony was all excited.

"Ok so you already know Natasha, and Clint, from you practically living at S.H.I.E.L.D. and all, but you haven't been properly introduced to Capsicle." He was beaming from the nickname he gave Captain Rogers, you heard that he was frozen on ice for 70 years and had just woke up, but like Tony said you never actually met him.

"Hi I'm Steve Rogers." He held out his hand for you to shake.

"Y/N" You replied shaking his hand. His facial features were soft, his hair color a sandy blonde. 

"And after Mr. Rogers, Dr. Bruce Banner."

Bruce was quiet he looked at you and smiled "Hi I'm Bruce."

"Dr. Banner, I have read so much on your work, I'd love to see more of it." You smiled, you turned to the next person which was a very tall blonde, with longer hair.

"Thor Odison, you are very pretty my beautiful lady." He kissed you hand. 

"Thor is here to put his brother Loki back into check." Tony explained.

"I do believe time in Asgard would do Loki well." Thor assured us.

The memories of the Avengers brought you happiness, but they were soon forgotten faces as they were wiped from your memory.

<Present day>

"Sir, she has calmed a bit" you looked over at the scientist at the computer, you started fighting again, you didn't want to lose your memories, especially the ones of your father.

"Hit her again, she is still fighting the brainwash." Zemo demanded watching you in the corner.

Another zap was sent through your brain.


You were in your old backyard, you dad was going to let you shoot your first gun.

"Ok Y/N, aim it at the target, alright now, pull the trigger when you are ready."

You line the gun with the center of the target before squeezing your finger around the trigger and setting the gun off, the bullet flew out the gun, hitting the target.

"Nice job honey." He gave you a high five followed by a hug. Your father was your biggest supporter. "You have a future in the S.H.I.E.L.D. business. Now lets go wash up for dinner."

The memory faded, you started crying, you missed him, you wished he was here to comfort you right now.

<Present Day>

You were still fighting the brainwash.

"AGAIN!" Zemo shouted.


This time the memory was the first time meeting with Bucky. The team was flying to Wakanda for Shuri to remove the Infinity Stone from his head. As you exited the Jet, Steve stopped to talk to King T'Challa, they were preparing for battle with Thanos.

King T'Challa was talking off all the people he had to offer to help in the battle, then motioned to Bucky, he seemed happier from the last time you ran into him.

"And a semi stable 100 year old man." He said smiling wide as he walked up to Steve.

The two hugged, "How you been Buck?"

"Well not bad, for the end of the world." He said smiling wide.

"I'd like you to meet Y/N. She's come to help us fight." Steve motioned to you.

You noticed Bucky's jaw kinda drop. He quickly realized it and closed his mouth, "Hi, I'm James Buchanan Barnes, but you can call me Bucky" He extended his right hand. 

You took it shaking it, "Y/N"

<Present Day>

You were slowly forgetting things, but Bucky was still fresh in your mind.

"Again" Zemo was getting pleased in his work.


"Alright team, I have planned a little field trip to the art museum, If everyone would please come that would be amazing. The bus rolls out at 12." Tony wanted the team to do normal things as a group of friends. 

You remember the trip, you and Bucky walked around the museum admiring some of the art, and making fun of the really strange things. Halfway through the tour, Bucky grabbed you pulling you into a secluded room, grabbing your face and planting sweet kisses all over. 

"Buck we really should get back to the group." You struggled getting out between his kisses.

"One more." He kissed you again before the two of you headed back to the group.

You loved that memory, he seemed so in love, and happy. You missed him, you never wanted to forget the way his nose scrunched when he laugh, they way his eyes soften as he looked at you, the way he always had a smile when you walked into a room. The way he got a little frustrated with modern technology and his arm mixing. 


"One more time" Zemo walked up to you. "He isn't a target for her yet."

The pain came across again, this time it hurt the worst. Bucky flashed across your mind. Every moment, everything smile, tear, laugh, fight and love you had for this man flashed across your mind. You didn't want to forget him. You held onto his memory, until you only knew him as a target.

"Тоска. Ржавые. Семнадцать лет." (Ready to comply)

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