Chapter 16

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You enter Shuri's lab hand in hand with Bucky, you swear he will never let you go again. Bruce had come along too. He was in awe of the place and the technology that they had to work with.

Shuri told you to take a seat, which you did, Bucky beside you the whole time. Tony, Steve and Nat must have gone off with King T'Challa, since they were nowhere to be seen. Shuri attach wires to your head and arms and asked you to lay down you relaxed a little and Bucky just took a chair next to yours. Shuri went to her computer and begin running the test, you just felt a little buzz wherever she placed the wires. After a few minutes she came back to you.

"Alright so you weren't under the brainwash as long as Bucky was here, so there isn't much damage. I will however have to go into your Frontal and Temporal lobe of your brain and tie any lose ends related to Hydra to make sure no one can open the brainwashed side of you. I will put you under. And Bucky can stay by your side if it makes you more comfortable."

"Whatever you need to do to make sure I don't have anymore of Hydra in my brain."

"Alright. I will get prepared for your surgery."

"I love you so much Bucky." You pulled him in for a kiss. He deepened the kiss.

He pulled away and looked into your eyes. You looked into his beautiful blue ones. "I love you. I still had hope when I saw you wearing the necklace. But why did the tracker stop working?"

"When Zemo caught me he disabled it as well as my weapons bracelet. So I only had the knife you gave me."

"You remember who did this to you?"

"I do but I didn't want to say anything. I was ashamed at what i had done when I was brainwashed. I didn't want my thoughts to get into the way."

"Doll I will always be here for you. You can always talk to me about anything."

"I know."

"Ok Ms. Y/N, I have everything ready for your surgery." Shuri had came back into the room.

"See you in a bit doll." Bucky kissed you and squeezed your hand. "I love you"

"I love you too. Be good." You said pointing at him as you were rolled away.

"No promises" he said back.

Shuri put you under anesthetics. You just remembered Bucky's face as you went under.


You awoke with a pounding in your head. You groaned a little in pain.

"Hey doll. How are you feeling?"

"I have a massive migraine."

"Shuri said you would so I have pills and water here for you." He helped you take the pain meds.

You laid your head down. "James come hold me. I'm sleepy and want you to hold me."

Bucky climbed into bed with you and wrapped his arms around you waist and laid his head on your breast. You stroked his hair as the two of you drifted off into sleep.


It was a week before you were allowed to leave the recovery wing in Wakanda. Shuri allowed you to finally go when your wounds were 100% healed. Which would have been longer if you had not have been a super solider. You and Bucky walked out of there and were met by King T'Challa.

"I see everyone is back to normal. That is good. Would you like a tour of Wakanda before you leave?" King T'Challa offered.

"Of course. Id love to see more of the beautiful country." You said excited to see something beside these four walls.

The three of you headed out, leaving Banner in the lab with Shuri they were talking nerdy stuff.

King T'Challa lead you and Bucky to a jet. "We will take to on a tour via the skies" He started the ship. You and Bucky sat in the two seats in cockpit. You of course got the front one since you weren't able to see everything the last time you were here, Bucky had been.

T'Challa showed you all the important landmarks. You traveled all around and took in everything. It was the best experience you had gone through. Come sunset, he parked the jet to where you could sit and watched it.

"Hey doll," you turned and looked at Bucky. "I wanted to give you this." He handed you a box. You opened it and stopped breathing.

"Bucky...they are beautiful." It was a necklace and earring set. It looked like falling leaves. It was absolutely stunning.

"Bucky I'm lost for words

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"Bucky I'm lost for words. Thank you."

"I'm glad you like it doll. This was supposed to be your Christmas. But you had gone through so much. I figured now was the time. Oh and I have a matching gift for it."

"Buck, I feel terrible for not getting you anything."

"You just being my other half is plenty. And I am 10000% sure you will like this more."

"It is to replace your weapon bracelet

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"It is to replace your weapon bracelet. Tony made it up for you."

"Thanks Bucky. Should we head back and meet up with the others?"

"Only if your ready doll."

The two of you headed into the jet. King T'Challa have given you guys some distance. He started the engine and lifted off, heading back to the Quinjet. Tony was waiting for you. Bruce was heading out of building that held Shuri's lab. "I'm gonna miss this place. Tony we have to try and advance our technology."

The four of you strapped in. You held Bucky's hand as Tony lifted off heading back home.

Home you were scared at how different it would be. Bucky squeezed your hand when you were lost in you thoughts about the amount of change the two have you had gone through in the last 8 months. You knew it was just opening another chapter into your life. You smiled knowing all will be well.

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