A Taste of Chaos Ch. 1

Start from the beginning

He saw demons of lust of course, incubi and succubi as well as other regular lust demons, demons of wrath and envy and even some pride demons. He had made his way into the slums and was cutting through to head to another district of the capital when something caught the corner of his eye. Asmodeous turned and saw an ecclectic group of 6 or 7 demons of different sins converging on something. He was about to continue on and ignore the coming fight when something tickled his senses and he saw a flash of black. He turned his head to look closer and stepped towards the alley. He saw a rather small and obviously very you g black demon backing up in a defensive stance and looking around quickly.

What is a young black demon doing in the slums? He thought to himself.

The group had eventually encircled the you g demon and had pulled out there weapons, swords and axes and others. The you g demon in his fighting stance took a deep breath as shadows coalesced around his arms and legs enveloping him.

So he at least knows some magic, shadow manipulation is rather rare.

One of the attackers moved and brought his sword down in an overhead slash as the young demon braced his arm and the shadows intercepted the sword and stopped the blow as he pivoted and swung his leg around in a fast arc to get space. The others now engaged and came on in force as the young demon was constantly shifting and moving trying to block and avoid the lethal weapons and avoid being overwhelmed.

Asmodeous was mildly impressed, demons in general, at least incubi, were generally tall and powerful and though this black demon was young he was very small evenfor his youth. Slender and only standing around 5'7", Asmodeous could see he was very strong and had a lot of stamina for his diminutive size. I observing what the young demon was doing he he looked closer and saw that his clothes were dirty and mismatched and gathered that somehow this was likely where the young demon called home, but what was a black demon doing living in the slums?

Asmodeous snapped out of his introspection to see that the young demon had taken down 3 of the 7 but he had numerous cuts and wounds on him and was tiring. The four remaining demons had encircled him and were starting to taunt and attack him more and more as he began to succumb to his wounds. Asmodeous rarely got involved in others anymore but there was something to this you g demon that was drawing him to Asmodeous, he wanted to find out what and he wouldn't be able to do that if the young demon was killed. Besides he kinda liked him, he was scrappy and a fighter and seven fully grown demons against one adolescent, even a black demon, was hardly fair. His mind made up he reached in and ramped up his power a notch and took a step forward. To anyone watching it would have looked like a average red demon of list had put one foot forward and then disappeared, but Asmodeous blinked forward in an instant and took the head of the demon directly behind the youngster. The other three froze and blinked and looked around before one by one in mere moments the rest lost their heads and slumped over before Asmodeous reappeared behind the young one.

The young demon blinked and looked side to side as his opponents fell over dead for reasons he didn't know. He was tired and hurting and felt like he was about to pass out on his feet when he twas need up and froze. He sensed someone behind him and quickly turned around and brought his hands up as his eyes narrowed. He saw a rather average and plain looking red demon of lust in plain clothes before him. His appendages weren't out so he didn't know what type or color of demon he was as any demons skin could be any color, it was their appendages color that marked them apart. Most cases their skin matched their appendages but not always.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Asked the young demon of the newcomer.

Asmodeous grinned at the fore in the boy. "Just a friend lending a hand. I mean you no harm. Seemed a little unfair for 7 against one, let alone being fully grown demons when you are so young."

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