Chapter One

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Silas stood proudly before his work of art. If this would even be considered art in the least. Another one like him, strong, built for combat, and made of metal. Little flocks of scientists scurried around his peds and he restrained himself from stepping on one just to see what would happen, which he wanted to do badly. The humans were frantically monitoring his most important project with a fearful edge throughout the large warehouse.

When the scientists Silas had worked so close with for almost his whole life brought him online for the first time in his new form, he was planning on killing them, but he did not. He needed to keep them alive so they could finish Project Beta-1, and many more to come if it was a success.

"E-excuse me, Sir, we just got a report stating that the formula is still not stable enough to test on the project."

Silas's yellow optic flashed, and he whipped his helm down to stare at the smaller of the scientists standing next to his right ped. He shoved it forward a few inches, the young scientist gasping and stumbling back. "Well, you can give them a report from us saying that we don't care, and that we need to have the formula finished!" Silas snarled, turning away and walking down to a more secluded part of his off-site laboratory. This project was of the utmost importance, it could not be postponed or suspended in any way. He seethed in the back of the warehouse, servos balled up and he could see his chest rising and falling with anger. Calm down... Just calm down...

Silas tried to recollect is normal calm-and-collected-while-I-whoop-your-tailpipe air, but this time it wasn't working. He wanted Project Beta-1 to succeed so badly it hurt. He was on the verge of creating another one of him. A female, no doubt, to keep him company. If he didn't get Beta-1 who he wanted so desperately, he would know exactly who to blame.

Silas finally managed to steady his vents and tell himself that his scientists had everything under control and that Beta-1 would still be coming into the world any day now. He cheered himself up with these hopeful thoughts and proceeded to return to his usual observation spot. All the humans looked up in suppressed fear as he walked back down through the small crowd of people.

Beta-1 was truly a spectacle. A bold, deep red and black paint job gave her an edge. Slim, flexible torso and the strongest fiberglass hip and chest armor. Her unlit optics were a flashing canary yellow. Silas couldn't wait to see them come online and recognize him as her master.

"Beta-1, you really are creating a bunch of problems, aren't you?" Silas muttered, almost fondly. Error warnings and faulty code alerts were flashing across the monitors at the foot of the project. Humans scurried around, frantically calling out to another in hopes that they could fix the multitude of errors exploding from her programming.

A ripping scream pierced the tense atmosphere like a knife. Through all madness that suddenly erupted, Silas saw Beta-1's optics fully lit. She was struggling against her constraints and screaming to no end. Silas winced as he saw the metal of her body visibly ripping from the strain of her struggles. Yellow fluid creeped its way through her new wounds. The more he stared at the onlined femme the more the fluid boiled in his circuitry. Then his anger peaked. His femme, his perfect femme, was in distress from being awakened far too early. Whoever screwed up was going to pay a large price.

Silas curled his large servos into fists of anger. "Why is Beta-1 awake? WHY IS SHE AWAKE?" He roared, searching every single human face below him for the answer. "Whoever activated Beta-1, step forward!"

No one moved a muscle. Silas's incredibly audible vents of abnormal anger increased in volume. Beta-1's screams did not help. They made the blue mech even angrier that she still hadn't been put out of her misery. His optics moved from her struggling body to a scientist frantically altering settings and typing data into a computer. "You there!"

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